Page 85 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 85
On 19 April 2021, I arrived on day 1 as a newly promoted Warrant Officer Class One (SMI) to what was formally 12 Armoured Infantry Brigade Headquarters assuming the
role of Bde SMI. I arrived as the Headquarters were returning from Easter leave although, still being in the thick of the pandemic, a large proportion of the Headquarters were still WFH, so it was a slightly disjointed and lonely arrival experience. My predecessor had already left for his new appointment and a HOTO had been conducted a month before.
12 Bde currently consists of 4 Regular Armoured / Infantry units and 2 Reserve units. Fortunately for me, 3 of the 4 units are based within the Tidworth Garrison so ideal for face-to-face interaction with the RAPTCIs who lead those units. The other regular unit is based in Catterick Garrison, so not ideal but from my HOTO notes I knew that the RAPTCI within that unit was a good operator and had the support from other RAPTC staff within the local Bde HQs.
With the ongoing pandemic issues, this brought a significant change to the way business was carried out, both within the Regiments and the Headquarters. Unit RAPTCIs were having to adapt quickly with how to achieve the aims of PT delivery through various virtual platforms, yet still provide assurance and maintain the level of physical preparedness required. Outside the pandemic, Bde and unit business continued as usual with exercises and deployments such as Op CABRIT. Although I had just come from a busy Phase 1 establishment where we too had dealt with these issues, we had been able to return back to some form of normality much sooner than the Field Army it seemed.
Life in the Headquarters has been a real change from what I was used to as an RAPTCI over the previous 13 years in the Corps, now I was faced with having no facility or equipment to manage, no PT staff or manning to work alongside. So, it was just me in an office presented with a personal laptop for the first time and a busy yet dispersed Headquarters. Unfortunately, but understandably, there was little interaction, so to say this has been a lonely experience and not quite what I expected is an understatement, however adjustment would happen and adaptation to my new surroundings
Preparing for the endurance event
was key. As the light at the end of the tunnel came closer and we returned to normality, we were able to recommence Headquarters PT along with many other activities which I believe has been essential for the morale within the HQ and across the Bde.
Throughout the last year I have been fortunate to get involved with the running of the 3(UK) Div Warrior Games which was held virtually and saw 28 units from across the Div compete in a BAWF-styled event. I have also had the opportunity to tick off one of my greatest aspirations after being an RAPTCI Instructor Course Instructor, which was to be a member on RAPTC Selection Course Directing Staff (DS) where I would have the opportunity to shape the future of our Corps and its instructors.
In addition, I have been able to pursue my goal of competing in both platform and springboard diving (mid-life crisis I know) where finally in March 2022 I was able to attend the Army Inter Corps and Army Individual Championships, where we came first as a Corps and I managed to make the second step of the podium as an individual in the platform event.
Finally, after months of planning by myself and what seemed would never be possible with the ever-changing and uncertainty of COVID-19, the Headquarters finally received the all clear to deploy on Ex WINTER ACE, a skiing expedition to Austria. Unfortunately, some had to be pulled off last minute due to being on short notice to deploy, but for those who did deploy, they enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful mountain views and overall, the trip was a great success in bringing the Headquarters staff closer together as well as challenging them.
Overall, this first year, both as an SMI and working within a 1* HQ has brought many challenges and the need for adaptation, but it’s been hugely rewarding and it’s great to have such talented RAPTCIs working within the Bde’s units. I look forward to the coming year and the changes following the Integrated Review (IR) where we will see the Bde grow in numbers and I am excited to work with more talented RAPTCIs who I learn from as much as they do from me.
Bde HQ Staff on Ex WINTER ACE
WO1 (SMI) C Goodchild RAPTC
RAPTC Diving Team SMI Goodchild preparing to make a splash SMI Goodchild & Capt Lane (SO3 ISTAR) taking in the views