Page 28 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 28

                                Adventure Training Winchester
Pte B Boateng
Well, I hope after reading this article about my mountain biking experience, it might not come as a surprise when you see me in the Olympics or perhaps Tour de France. I wish!
Having recently completed my Phase 2 at Lichfield, I was lucky enough to be posted to the picturesque city of Winchester; where I have been learning as a trainee dental nurse. An opportunity presented itself to partake
in the Regiment’s Adventurous Training exercise and I was keen to take it, especially as it would serve as my first one in the Army.
Long story short, after a 0400 wake up we finally arrived in Jersey camp situated in the ever so popular Isle of Wight. After a full English breakfast, I was full of energy and ready for what the day had in store for me. A sudden downpour and gushing wind that was far from stopping had begun; perhaps a foreshadowing of what was to come next in the day.
On your bike, ready steady go!
Can you believe, two minutes into it and I already had a puncture. I guess it was
not the worst that could have happened, considering two people had already fallen off. As the saying goes ‘’a minor setback for a major comeback.’’ In the blink of an eye,
I was bombing down at the speed of light, taking on mountain after mountain. Yes, my inflaming love for mountain biking had never felt so good.
My mistake was, of course, I had forgotten that it was AT hence why I was so surprised when I suddenly met obstacles. After all, whatever goes up must come down. In this instance however, whatever goes down must somehow come up.
Now, here comes the hills of Mount Everest. I was definitely in disbelief when I began to imagine how I was going to cycle up these demanding slanted hills.
Tick tock, the clock as always was ticking. Only halfway through a 20 miler, it was time to show some innate mental resilience and prove to myself why I am called a soldier. Gushing and gusting with mud the wind kept me on my toes. Thankfully, I had quickly realised that if I focused on peddling rather than worrying about how far I had travelled, it most certainly got me further.
Some three hours later, who would have thought, I saw the finish line. Instantaneously I was electrified with energy that I thought I didn’t have. Quick as lightning I found myself past the finish line. As Muhammed Ali once famously said ‘’If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can conceive it, then I can
achieve it.’’ I had overcome my fears, doubts and challenges. By the same token I learnt a lot about myself and had bonded with new people whilst simultaneously establishing myself further in the Regiment.
What a fantastic few days out of surgery. The million dollar question is... will I go mountain biking again?
Erm... of course it’s a big fat yes from me!

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