Page 38 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 38

London to Paris... virtually
LCpl C London
Dental Centre Wellington undertook a socially distanced cycling challenge during September 2020; an event that replicated the London to Paris race in a ‘virtual’, COVID-safe manner.
At the time, Blood Cancer UK were struggling with sponsorship so I thought this would be a great way to help them
out. The charity itself is a UK-based charity dedicated to funding research into all blood cancers including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, as well as offering information and support to blood cancer patients. This charity has an important place in my heart as their work, and that of other cancer charities, ensured my sister won her fight with this terrible disease.
So, with the plan in place I whisked up
a team who were happy to get involved, though they may have been somewhat naive to the feat 300 socially distanced miles of cycling may become. The team all took a somewhat differing approach from Sgt (now SSgt) Morton cracking through her miles
in two days to Lt Col Valler completing the
whole distance on a Boris bike- ouch! My preference was the daily eroding of miles from a Watt bike, with the odd trip around the neighbouring parks at the weekend.
Team enthusiasm and support throughout the whole month was incredible, sharing miles and updates on social media and
our group WhatsApp. Turbo trainers were erected in front rooms, resulting in unhappy husbands, and one more adventurous individual pouring a lake from his cycling shoes: dedication whatever the weather!
It was fantastic to feel part of such an amazing charitable team building event, where we were able to help and have fun along the way. At the end of the month a few of us were very sore but proud of what we had achieved. The grand total raised was £360; a big thank you to everyone’s friends and families and a huge thank you from myself to the team for getting involved and joining me on the challenge.
  Prostate Cancer Fundraising
 Pte M Fox
March the Month is an event that occurs every March and is dedicated to raising money for Prostate Cancer UK. This challenge is to walk 11,000 steps every day in March to raise awareness and money for this brilliant cause. The reason for 11,000 is this the number of men
who die every year as a direct result of prostate cancer. It is the most common type of cancer in men and often has no symptoms.
Prostate Cancer UK aims to improve the care and welfare of those affected by prostate cancer. They increase investment in research and raise public and political awareness of a long- neglected disease.
They hold annual events such as March the Month and more commonly Movember to raise funds to support men affected by cancer as well as funding research into treatment. In the last 20 years alone they have invested £37 million in groundbreaking research to provide award-winning support for men.
My inspiration for completing this challenge comes from my father who was diagnosed in Jan 2021. This came as a terrible shock to me and my family as typically he was ‘too young’ to be eligible for routine screening. This made me think, how many men know about prostate cancer? And how many know about routine screening?
As the Army is predominantly male, I used this opportunity to spread the word about prostate cancer risk factors via
leaflets, posters and providing reliable websites to source extra information on Part 1 Orders of the local units. The local units provided ample support, with many individuals signing up to complete the challenge. Not to mention my colleges
at DC Abingdon who signed up to the challenge, kept me company for my walks after work and supported me through this difficult time.
In total we have raised over £1000
and walked over 650km, this is a huge achievement and one I am very proud of.
We will beat cancer one day, but for now, we keep fighting.
If you want to find any further information about Prostate Cancer please go to the following website- ProstateCancerUK.Org

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