Page 67 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 67

                                  Snorkelling Poni Divers Serasa
Cpl E Romain
To welcome in the new SDO at Dental Centre Seria, Maj Emily Schlesinger, and bid farewell to our outgoing SDO, Maj
Stu Porter, a team bonding activity was organised. The team spent an incredible morning taking part in a Basic Snorkelling Course which provided the perfect way to explore the incredible underwater world in its natural uninterrupted setting.
For someone who loves a lie-in when possible, this activity required a very early wakeup call, however, that didn’t bother any of us one bit as we thought we would be
in for such an incredible day exploring with Poni-Divers Club. We set off that morning to Serasa, approx. 1.5hrs away from Seria. The skies were bright blue, with a refreshing cool breeze, making it a perfect day to be out at sea. We arrived at the dive office
and after registration and a quick health and safety brief, we were equipped with a snorkel, mask, fins and life jackets for the non-swimmers.
Our tour guide for the day, Radin ‘The Fin’ Fito, ensured that all our gear fitted just right, don’t want any compromises underwater! As we boarded the boat, everyone looked extremely eager to be working this
morning from our underwater office. Surely something different.
First stop: Pelong Rock. Although a few members of the team had been here before, they still found the beauty astounding,
but for the majority, for whom this was a brand-new experience, it was breathtaking. After another short briefing, our group of 9 plunged into the water one by one and we began to make our way across the coral beds. The visibility was impeccable, the water so clear and very nice temperature also. The knowledgeable tour guides at Poni Divers made for a great trip. From tiny catfish to a curious red snapper, a stingray to schools of mullets, there was a bounty of marine life to observe. The highlight for me
was watching a regal golden trevally in the distance! We explored for approx. 2 hours enjoying every moment of it.
With a farewell to Radin it was time for our next stop: Pelumpung Spit for a BBQ Lunch. On our way to the island, the tour guides spoke of the importance of fish within our ecosystem and warned that coral trout and siamese fighting fish were on the endangered fish list in Brunei. When we arrived at the island, there was another team from Poni Divers that were all set up and good to go with the BBQ. The food looked amazing, and we were certain that it would taste the same. But not before a dip in the beautiful clear water on the beach.
After lunch it was time to hit the road, or water I should say! What a fun day we had while at work with Poni Divers. The proper way to say goodbye to Maj Porter and welcome Maj Schlesinger to Brunei.
       RADC BULLETIN 2021 65

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