Page 80 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 80

LCpl N Lawson-Kelly
Army Training Centre Pirbright (ATC(P)) has a PAR of c1500 and includes all Non- Infantry Battle Troops, 2 LANCS and 7 minor Units. The Phase 1 recruits complete their 14-week initial training package prior to embarking on Phase 2 specialist training.
The Dental Centre is co-located with the Medical Centre, physio and the nursing ward. Since the COVID-19 outbreak the Medical/Dental Centre unit has changed the way patients are seen to help reduce patient to patient contact. During this time, we have been able to think of ways to maximise the way we deliver oral health awareness to our patients.
During an annual inspection (PDI) or an initial dental inspection (IDI) oral health instruction is given to the recruits, this is also covered within their Maintain Personal Health lessons. However, opportunities exist to do more to deliver the message on the importance of oral hygiene along with other oral health issues.
Prowise Interactive screens are installed throughout camp which are a pivotal training tool for permanent staff as well as recruits. These are used as training aids providing presentations and other interactive training. The Medical/Dental Centre has
one located in the shared waiting area, so we identified a great opportunity to raise awareness of oral health and hygiene and to do this by embracing the audio-visual method of delivery.
As a team we discussed what was the best way to promote dental hygiene and diet advice. It was felt that dividing a presentation into two parts would work best. On our IDI days we would show back to back clips of oral health instruction including interdental
cleaning, brushing techniques, diet advice and the effects of smoking. Also shown were clips about dental fitness in the field, RADC promotion videos and other Army training clips. These were all created on YouTube
by me from a personal account. All videos are promotional clips from companies and training platforms.
During permanent staff clinics the same messages on oral health and general hygiene measures would be received. However, a more in-depth slide show would include dental hygiene during pregnancy, the anatomy of teeth, oral health services during COVID-19, periodontal disease, oral cancer and the importance of fluoride.
These clips are played on loop therefore all patients who enter the Medical and Dental Centre waiting room get to view the presentation. We found that patients waiting for medical appointments were also watching the promotional clips whilst patients who were waiting for dental appointments were learning more about dental care and treatment.
Our long-term aim for utilising Prowise is for our Oral Health Lead to create bespoke presentations that can be uploaded and played on loop. This would include our
promotional month information, such as Oral Cancer Month or No Smoking Day. We also aim to upload a dental care in the field brief which will include images of a dental kit
that can be used on exercise and oral health instruction delivered by a military nurse. Prowise is a great learning tool and perfect to upload presentations and promote your chosen subject. It also allows all members of the dental team to contribute towards a presentation allowing all staff to take part and feel included.
Youtube playlist can be found on: www. and searching for IDI Pirbright by Nikki Lawson/ Oral Health Mini Clips by Nikki Lawson.
Create a Prowise Account by typing Prowise into Google to access their website.
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