Page 82 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 82

                                 DENTAL CENTRE
   As you can imagine, by month 9 of closure for refurbishment our local Units were starting to get a bit concerned. As other centres opened post-COVID closures we were still unable to give them a re- opening date and both 1 Welsh Guards
and 1 Coldstream Guards had several deployments in 2021 that would require personnel to be dentally fit. We kept the Units as informed as possible (slightly
tricky when contractors are very vague about their dates) and overall, they were very understanding of the challenges we were facing. During this time, we were well supported by our mini-region and were able to run clinics for deploying Windsor patients out of both DC Pirbright and DC Northolt which helped ease the burden and kept the Units happy. Over this time, we also kept in communication with MDSS, and they were brilliant with checking all our equipment as soon as it was back in the centre.
Finally, by February 2021 we were able to open our doors to patients again. Of course, our refurb trials and tribulations did not end there. These included that, due to further lockdowns, only Surgery 1 was allowed to be used for radiographs as DSTL were unable to visit for their checks and the RO machine
wasn’t of sufficient quality for the new 3000b steriliser (thankfully we still had a little sister steriliser to rely on). On top of which I will always remember the day when Phaedra came into surgery to say, with an incredible level of sangfroid, that the ceiling of her office had sprung a rather large leak not long after the boiler had almost flooded our new lab room.
Although we are still waiting on a new RO machine, before the refurb completed box can be ticked, we have already started to see the benefits of increasing from 1 surgery to 2 by having other dentists visit to help with deploying personnel as well as running hygienist sessions out of Windsor. Having
a purpose designed CSSD is also a real addition and a great improvement on the CSSD cupboard being used previously.
Overall, I suspect our refurb journey was
a bit more chaotic than most, in large part due to COVID-19, but we are now left with
a better designed, larger and more useful dental centre that is an improvement for staff and patients alike. For all those who undergo refurbs in the future, good luck, expect there will be issues along the way but stay strong as it will be worth it in the end.
 Top Tips!
• Find out your regional SME and ask for tips from other recent refurbs
• Sort out as much as possible as early as possible (Plan ahead!)
• Complete a 100% AinU check on closure and reopening
• Be careful on storing equipment (especially tubing and wiring) so nothing gets damaged in storage
• Expect delays and have contingency plans in place as needed
• Keep your local Units informed and ensure they know where they are being treated while the centre is closed
• Give MDSS and DSTL as much notice as possible for equipment checks
• Source spare kit to stock new surgeries from any closing centres
• Consider the disconnection and reconnection of phone lines and how patients will contact the centre in the meantime
• If co-located with a Medical Centre ensure they are kept in the loop and have a say in any arrangements that affect them. Also consider pre-emptive biscuit bribes to make up for the disruption!
• Smile through the pain, it will be worth it in the end
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