Page 88 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 88
National Smile Month 2021
Mrs S Rai Shrestha
National Smile Month (NSM), a UK national campaign held every year, was also held
in British Forces Brunei by Dental Centre Seria between 17 May 2021 – 17 June 2021. Dental Centre Seria participates annually in the campaign, actively promoting oral health education in the BFB community via posters, OHE boards, radio interviews and school visits.
Display Boards
The Dental nurse team at DC Seria organise monthly oral health promotional boards in the Dental Reception, Chit Chat Community Centre (CCCC) and RGR cookhouse. During National Smile Month, the board contents highlighted the information regarding
NSM while also raising awareness on the importance of good oral health. The board featured three key messages:
1. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
2. Spit do not rinse
3. Visit the dentist regularly
These messages were then distributed
in the areas that can be relayed to a wider community with the help of CCCC where the dependants mostly visit, RGR cookhouse where Service Personnel are gathered
daily and in the dental reception where the attention of the patients can be attracted. DC Seria raised awareness about NSM through
these boards and posters.
Radio Interview
In relation to promoting NSM, DC Seria also did two radio interviews on BFBS Radio Station.
Maj Emily Schlesinger, SDO of DC Seria, went to the BFBS Brunei station recording studio on her first day of work on arrival in Brunei! She talked about NSM in the context of how to look after one’s teeth as well as providing examples of foods that are good and bad for the teeth. The radio interview was aired on the BFBS Brunei Breakfast Show over several weeks and had positive responses from those who heard it.
Mrs Seema Rai Shrestha, Dental Nurse and OHE lead, went on BFBS Gurkha
radio and spoke about NSM and its key messages. It was aired throughout NSM. This radio mainly focuses on the Nepalese community as it is a Nepalese language- based radio station. The BFB community is a mixed ethnicity community, yet the number of Nepalese SPs and dependants are the highest proportion. Therefore it is vital that our messages reach all of the community and publishing information in Nepalese is well received.
School Visits
Furthermore, DC Seria also conducted two
days of school visits to Hornbill School. We spoke in teams of DO & DN, promoting good oral health amongst children. The incoming SDO, Maj E Schlesinger along with DN, Mrs Sanju Gurung visited the school on 14 June 2021 and outgoing SDO Maj S Porter along with DN, Mrs Seema Rai Shrestha visited on 15 June 2021. The school visit was focused on children aged 3-11 years, which is from foundation stages and Year 1 - Year
6. The presentations were tailored to the varying ages and all the children interacted well with the teams. Information was given to the school regarding the snacks provided during the mornings, suggesting chopped vegetables as an alternative to orange slices to help confirm our message of reduction of sugary and acidic snacks.
Health Fair 2021 Dental Centre Seria Mrs S Rai Shrestha
On 30 June 2021, the Primary Care Medical Facility (PCMF) organised a Unit Health Fair aimed towards service personnel
and families stationed in British Forces Brunei (BFB). As the BFB community is located in a place where, unlike the UK, it is rare to be exposed to community wide health promotions, both information and events, this Unit Health Fair was a good opportunity to edify the soldiers, as well as civilians, about a healthy lifestyle.
During the Health Fair, a variety
of promotional boards from different departments were displayed at RGR
Gym hall. Dental Centre Seria (DCS) also actively engaged while presenting a health promotion board titled ‘Gum Disease.’