Page 89 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 89
London Central Whitespace LCpl L Taggart
This September, Dental Centre London Central used our whitespace to attend
the London Bridge walkway. This was organised and planned by LCpl London. Once all dental duties had been completed for the week, we set off from the Dental Centre for our 1100 slot. After a short walk to the tube station and a comfortable, on time journey on the train we made our way to London Bridge.
After checking in, we started our, admittedly rather slow, ascent up a steep, narrow spiral staircase. This continued for around 100ft until a quick respite appeared with the first educational board. Here
we learnt the origins of the towers and saw some of the kit used in the original construction.
The ascent continued up a further 100ft
to the top of the tower. At the top we were greeted by the clear walkway which included a window to the vehicles passing below
and a mirror above. Those who were brave enough crossed with confidence and those less brave with a little trepidation.
We descended the opposite tower, all 213 feet in one go, and after a quick breather and leg stretch we assembled to disperse.
The topic was chosen as a large portion of the BFB population could benefit from information on the issue, the aim was to spread awareness of the disease, how
to prevent it and hopefully reduce its prevalence.
Due to the overseas location of DCS, as well as the current COVID-19 pandemic, the resources for the Health Fair were limited. Despite the limitations, DCS gathered its resources through online and local materials. The board was assembled by the OHE lead, DN Seema Rai Shrestha. It consisted of information about the causes and prevention methods of Gum Disease. Along with the display board, various oral health related
leaflets and some sample interdental brushes were prepared.
The Health Fair was divided into two parts, a morning session 0900 – 1200 and an afternoon session 1400 – 1600. The morning session was set up and run by DN Seema Rai Shrestha and DN Marina Thapa whereas the afternoon session was covered and closed by DN Sujita Gurung and DN Sanju Gurung. The event was collaboratively run by the DCS team, efficiently getting the information out to the BFB community. The team also efficaciously carried out the OHI as well as encouraging personnel to quit smoking by referring them to the Smoking Cessation stand run by the PCMF nurses.
All in all, the Unit Health Fair ended successfully with a lot of attendees passing through the doors, including both SPs and civilians. A lot of positive feedback was received from the community verbally as well as recorded and aired by BFBS radio station. With the combined effort of the PCMF and DCS teams, the aim to educate the BFB populace and encourage them to strive for a healthy life was grandly held and concluded splendidly.