Page 57 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 57

East Midlands
King Richard III’s New Garden
As you may know, Leicester has re-interred the remains of King Richard III in our cathedral. The Cathedral Visitor’s Centre has
a garden which has been replanted with the help of Leicester Allotment Gardeners Council, Leicester City Council and Coles Nurseries. On two hot June days, the old garden was dismantled and replanted with plants that all had some, if tenuous, connection to King Richard III.
Coles Nurseries supplied the design and plants for the project and Vince Edwards, Key Account Manager, oversaw all of the work. The work was carried out by some members of the Leicester City Council amenities team and Leicester Allotment Gardeners Council members, including Kate Skoczlas of Washbrook Allotment Society, George
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Barleythorpe Allotment Society Stanwick Allotment Society Swinstead Allotment Assoc Carlton Colville Town Council
6 individual Members
Reynolds of Leicester City Permanent Allotment Society and, yours truly, Paul Howgill of Rowley Fields Allotment Society.
The work was completed without the need to close off the garden, with members of the public from all around the world and country visiting the Centre, asking questions about the planting and giving advice about the planting; to such an extent that some of the design was altered and new plants added during the day. All of the original trees and plants were recycled to local allotments.
The photograph shows the completed garden with Kate, Vince, Paul and George standing on what was the car park where the King’s remains were found.
Paul Howgill

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