Page 59 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 59

SSALG at the 2016 Suffolk Show
At the end of a successful 2015 Suffolk Show, we were asked by the organisers, Suffolk Agricultural Association, if we would like to enter the following year with a larger plot. As we were on a high, we said yes, of course.
The larger plot we were offered turned out to be twice the size of our previous plots, measuring 10 metres x 5 metres. The SAA agreed to provide the plot and gave us a selection of planting beds to choose from.
We decided that our theme would be ‘Health and Wellbeing’, with the aim of showing how an allotment would provide year round fresh air and exercise, and have fresh fruit and vegetables to eat as a result.
The beds that we chose measured 3.9m x 1.5m and our growers, Dennis and Graham at Capel St Mary allotments, agreed to grow plants in the site’s large polytunnel. Pam agreed to provide tubs of Flower Magic Wild ower Mix, and Ray said that he would build the front section of a shed, and provide a table and chairs as a relaxation area. With beds to one side, it provided plenty of space
Welcome to our new members...
Active Newham
Blackshots Allotment Assoc Crowland Parish Council
Exeter Road Allotment Assoc
Hare Street Road Gardeners Assoc Isleham Allot & Leis Gardeners Assoc Messing-cum-inworth Parish Council My Veg Plot
Wareside Allotment Assoc
West Bletchley Council
Wymondley Garden Allotment Assoc 5 individual members
for people to walk
past for a closer look.
We decided to have a
small tray of compost
and toy garden tools to
encourage the interest
of children and various
other pieces of equipment likely to be found on an allotment.
very natural.
The judges were so impressed that they
gave us a gold award for our display! On the show days, the plot was manned by volunteers who chatted to people that visited. There was a great deal of interest, with many comparing and contrasting it to their own allotments. Also, many expected us to be ‘experts’ in solving their pest and disease problems, so we helped when we could and a good time was had by all.
Our thanks go to Kings Seeds for providing the seeds for the vegetables and for packets of seeds to give to our visitors, and to Suffolk Agricultural Association for donating the plot. Also to all who built, grew, put it together and helped out in any way. Pam Rushbrook
The date of the show was to be 1-2 June. Ray, Tom, Mick and Pam arrived on the previous Saturday to set up the shed, tables with lea ets and magazines, and boards with posters showing pictures of the allotment. Our 10m x 5m plot looked huge and we wondered if we had bitten off more than we could chew. The beds were in place, but there was no soil in them, which caused a bit of panic.
The boys had arranged to bring the plants on the Tuesday, and thankfully there was soil in the beds when they arrived. The pots of vegetables were sunk into the soil in rows, and the top of the pots covered up. By lunch time everything was in place and it looked

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