Page 60 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 60

South West
Woo Woo Loo
Some people would turn up for the opening of an envelope, but I turned up for the opening of a toilet! Coach Lane Allotments, Redruth were successful in getting a grant of £9995 from the Big Lottery Fund for the installation of a Woo Woo Waterless Toilet. Allan Cavill, our South West Mentor, helped Association secretary, Elaine Bones with the application which began two years ago. Redruth Amateur Gardeners Association now has an eco-friendly toilet onsite.
The opening ceremony in May saw music from Ra ty Dumitz and The Steve Preston
Welcome to our new members...
Lower Compton Allotment Assoc Martock Parish Council
St Cuthbert (out) Wells Parish Council 1 individual member
band. Outgoing Lord Mayor and allotment holder Will Tremayne performed the cutting of the toilet paper tape as his last of cial duty before handing over to Mayor Henry Biscoe who was also present.
Everybody then enjoyed a pasty and saffron bun lunch provided by Bray’s and Kay’s. Coach Lane Allotments consists of 40 plots where the plot holders are encouraged to express their individuality. The site looked beautiful and would have done extremely well in the National Allotments competition if only we were still running it!
Neil Dixon

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