Page 10 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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WO2 (QMSI) J Marshall RAPTC
The Training Development Team (TDT) within HQ RAPTC has had another busy year balancing our primary role of ExVal, whilst continuing to develop and implement Programme THOR and its 5 projects. In addition to this monumental task, TDT has delivered 11 Annual Deficit Training (ADT) Courses during the training year 18/19 focussing on PTI Technical Deficit Training. This encompassed a 5-day strength and conditioning package delivered by RAPTC Training Educators (TE’s) across the UK, Germany and Cyprus. This was designed from the 4 UKSCA modules with an emphasis on its application to the Army Physical Training System (APTS). Additional ADT was rolled out in the form of a one day ‘Train the Trainer’ package, to upskill RAPTCI’s on the new Physical Employment Standards (PES) battery of testing prior to going live in April 2019. In conjunction with the Research and Development Cell, TDT has completely restructured RAPTC selection with an emphasis on looking and assessing the candidate’s suitability through the Behavioural Anchor Ratings Scale. This ensures the candidate is assessed objectively and in conjunction with the new aptitude assessment, we can ensure the right candidate is in the appropriate RAPTC stream. Ultimately, this new process will capture the correct quality potential SNCO to commence the RAPTC Instructor Course.
The team has seen some significant changes. Firstly, saying farewell to WO2 (QMSI) Kel Noteyoung who has moved to Gibraltar as the SMI and WO1 (SMI) Suffield coming in as his successor, to take over as the Trade Specialist Advisor. We also had the pleasure of welcoming two more team members (much needed!). Firstly, SSgt (SSI) Rich Moody as a new analyst into the fold, who was selected against fierce competition! Secondly, Sgt (SI) Steph Harris who recently badged into the Corps and is embracing the new challenge that the department brings. At last the stigma of HQ RAPTC is subsiding and people are actively engaging and wanting to work in such an environment. It is also great to see fellow RAPTCI’s actively engage with us on RAPTC matters. As a HQ we are here to support the wider Corps if it’s by phone or by E-Mail, we are approachable. It has been a great year on the MS side for such a small department, with huge Congratulations to Maj (MAA) Chris Deed SO2 TDT who was successfully selected for promotion to Lt Col. In addition to this WO1 (SMI) Colin Suffield has been selected and offered a commission in the Corps, last, but not least WO2 (QMSI) John Marshall was selected for promotion to WO2.
In addition to the workload the team has had plenty of opportunities to conduct sports, as well as participate in overseas sports tours and training camps. As a department we know how important it is to achieve and maintain a healthy work life balance. This has ensured that our output has been of a high standard and contributed again, to another successful year.
WO2 (QMSI) Ian Lester RAPTC – TDT Analyst
Well what a good year it has been especially on the Basketball officiating front. After a successful season culminating in being selected for the inaugural Women’s Basketball League Final, the 18-19 season started well, as I was nominated for the Army Sports Official of the Year. The scene was set and the dinner night, held in the Old College Sandhurst looked amazing. I was sure that it was not going to be my year and was taken aback by the large double page spread in the centre of the magazine left on everyone’s chair highlighting my basketball officiating career. From this point on I thought maybe, just maybe. The meal was excellent and then came the awards. Wow! overwhelmed was an understatement, although the citation was more like a citation for a lifetime achievement award I was successful and named Army Sports Official of the
  HQ RAPTC Group Photo

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