Page 146 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 146
SSgt (SSI) JP Spence RAPTC
It has been the most active year for RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo in over a decade, with the team participating in a host of activities throughout. From the Biennial RAPTC Water
Polo Competition, held this year at ATR Winchester, through to an overseas sports tour to Gibraltar, the list has been endless.
Commencing at ATR Winchester in September 2018 a newly formed RAPTC Water Polo team played for the first time at the Biennial RAPTC Water Polo Competition. The event provided a great opportunity to compete against our rivals of old; the R Sigs, RE and REME. Considering only four of the team had ever played water polo before we performed excellently where the fitness and natural sporting ability shone through, allowing us to keep our pride despite a narrow defeat. If nothing but an education, the competition provided a great opportunity to bring the team together for a promising season ahead.
In preparation for the Inter Corps Championships the team attended an overseas training camp to Gibraltar in October, kindly facilitated by WO1 (SMI) Kel Noteyoung and WO2 (QMSI) Rob Guyton. This entailed a gruelling 7-day training package fiendishly designed by Capt (MAA) Jack Horner who went right back to basics and consisted of warm ups that were the equivalent of most people main sessions, which only got worse. The salt water pool added that little extra to the sessions. I’d like to say that after two sessions a day you got used to it, but you didn’t, it was grim, very grim. Dry sessions complemented the pool sessions against the impressive back drop of the ‘Rock’ which made the experience. During the tour the team managed to receive a guided tour of the World War II tunnels and visit to the top of the Rock.
Finally, as we approached the Inter Corps in December, there was no cajoling, no black mailing we had a full squad of swimmers ready to attend the competition. We were placed in the inaugural Mike Gibson Memorial Trophy League and it was evident that the Gibraltar tour had certainly paid off. There was no doubt we were a credible threat and just lost out on a trophy.
As I now hand over the secretary appointment to SSgt (SSI) Graham Laycock I have no doubt the team will be in safe hands and able to carry on the momentum of this year’s successes. With solid foundations to now build on, I look forward to seeing how the team performs in the coming seasons.
RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo Tour 2018
SSgt (SSI) Sharpe gets his 20m badge
Biennial Reunion Water Polo ATR Winchester
RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo Tour 2018
Team Land Trg