Page 15 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 15

 The speed at which time flies! We like to think it’s measurable, but how many times have
you arrived at work in the morning,
opened Outlook (say no more), and found
yourself suddenly submerged in a range of
different matters....and the next time you
look at the clock it’s the end of day. Well, the last12monthshavefeltlikethisforme,mainly thanks to the Physical Employment Standards (PES).
With this, my second tour in Army HQ, it has been one of the most enjoyable, educational and rewarding periods as a Staff Officer. Notwithstanding the days of frustration and irritation; all thrown-in for good measure and (apparently) personal development!
I have been lucky enough to have arrived at Prof Dev as the Ground Close Combat (GCC) PES 3-year research concludes and its implementation begins. So, after decades of the PFA and AFT, we now see a suite of Role Fitness Tests (used from Basic Training through to in-Service) and the Soldier Conditioning Review in place (details below). Modernisation of our tests and assessments is well overdue and aligns perfectly with the introduction of the Army Physical Training System (APTS).
Role Fitness Test (Entry). Replaces PSS(R) and PSS(O). It will be the standard at Assessment Centres (AC) for selection into specific Army roles and during the RMAS Pre-Commissioning Course Briefing Course (PCCBC).
Role Fitness Test (Basic Training). Is the output standard required at the end of Basic Training.
Role Fitness Test (Soldier). Replaces the AFT to become the in-Service MATT 2 test for Regular and Reserve GCC roles and output standard at Initial Trade Training (ITT).
Soldier Conditioning Review. Is a gender & age free Strength and Conditioning diagnostic tool. It uses a series of gym-based exercises to indicate the overall physical conditioning of an individual across all
the components of fitness.
Being the Project Lead for PES implementation has been truly fulfilling. Yes, given the scale of change, there has been demanding periods over the last 12 months - to put it mildly. And while Army policy and direction are now firmly in place, there is much more to do at the coal- face to fully embed PES and APTS within units. This will require a cultural change in units; so, we all have a part to play in the coming months and years to ensure the CofC are read-in and fully
understand the PES/SCR/APTS narratives.
Having a good community of RAPTC officers/warrant officers at Fmns, Bds, HQ RAPTC, ASPT etc has made this job both manageable and enjoyable. So, a huge thank you to all those involved in PES/SCR implementation over the last year. With 12+ months left at Army HQ, my focus will slowly turn to non-GCC research and eventually its policy development. At this stage it would be premature to mention ‘light at the end of tunnel’.... maybe one for the next MBS edition!
Maj (MAA) M Field RAPTC

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