Page 156 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 156

  General. We said goodbye to the Corps Commandant Brig P Cain on promotion to Lt General and wish
him well. We welcomed our new Corps Commandant Brig Edward Chamberlain who received his Corps Stable-belt and TRF from the Corp SM during a visit to HQ RAPTC. We also said goodbye to Lt Col (SMAA) T Scarr RAPTC who leaves the Army to take up an appointment with the Army Sports Control Board and we all wish
him well for his future endeavours (more time on the golf course I suspect!).
The RAPTC Association is a member’s charity and has been around for almost 100 years providing help and support for our members. The Association recognises serving and retired personnel as Association members with no distinction between the two groups and recognises dependants of Association members including widows and widowers long after their serving partners have passed away. Often, the work of the Association goes on in the background unseen by the membership, but all the work undertaken for and on behalf of the members by the trustees, Regt Sec and his assistant, the Branch committees and numerous volunteers is first and foremost for the good and benefit of the RAPTC Association members.
The RAPTC Constitution is our rulebook that sets the objects of the Charity. We are obligated to submit annual audited accounts and a Chairman of Trustees’ annual statement which are used by the Charity Commission of England and Wales to ensure we are achieving the objects articulated in the Constitution. The Constitution is reviewed every 5 years and ratified by the trustees to ensure it remains fit for purpose; any changes must be raised at the Association Annual General Meeting, agreed by the members
and if required, endorsed by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.
The Executive Committee Chairman’s annual statement can be found at the front of this MBS and for ease, I have included a copy of the Association Constitution in this edition of the MBS.
Governance and Management
The Association Executive Committee meet twice a year in Apr and Sep and is made up of 14 trustees; The Commandant, 6 serving members of the RAPTC and 7 retired members of the RAPTC. The trustees have a broad wealth of experience and discuss (sometimes at great length) issues and matters pertaining to the Association then make decisions for the good and benefit of Association members. The Regt Sec is then tasked to conduct the follow up actions. To give the readers an idea; some of the topics covered are: Finances, Renewing Association Standards, Honour boards, safeguarding policy, data protection policy, welfare issues and funding, anniversaries, Association Branches, Garden of remembrance, general funding and investments etc.
Jules receiving her flowers
Lt Col (Retd) G B Jones
    Commandant receiving his new Stable-belt and TRF from the Corps SM
Lt Col (SMAA) Scarr RAPTC giving his leaving speech to the HQ RAPTC Staff

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