Page 157 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 157
Family of Norman Jones visit Fox Lines Kathleen Sheedy at the ASPT Pass-off Parade Kathleen Sheedy and Karen visit GOR with Lt Col (Retd) Gary Jones
The Regt Sec is the focal point for all Association matters manages the daily churn with the vitally important help of Mrs Jules Fairclough who is often the first point of contact and goes out of her way to support Association members. In recognition of her unstinting help and support for the Association; the Commandant presented her with flowers.
The Association is a small charity with a limited income and it is important when allocating grants that members interests are at the forefront of all decision making, but it is essential that funds are managed with prudence to ensure a balance between spending today against saving for tomorrow.
The main source of income for the Association is the Days’ Pay Giving Scheme and again this year the serving members of the Corps have contributed considerably. In addition, income from our investments have allowed the trustees to provide grants this year for: benevolence (support for those in need), welfare (support to enhance wellbeing), RAPTC Museum, RAPTC Reunion, RAPTC Branches, RAPTC Sports and Adventurous Training, RAPTC Officers’ Mess and Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess, Field of Remembrance, Cenotaph march past, the MBS and also managed to put aside funds for the future Association anniversaries, biennial remembrance services at the RAPTC Memorial and biennial reunions.
Through prudent, diligent management of Association finances and maintaining the balance between the now and the future, the Association continues to provide financial benefits year on year for all our members.
Benevolence is often dealt with in confidence and grants are allocated to help those members who have fallen on hard times. This is an area where a lot of work goes on in the background but unseen due to confidentiality. To give you an idea of what the Association can and does provide; the Welfare committee have endorsed grants this year for members to help offset the costs of travel for emergency hospital care, the purchase of household white goods, part costs towards a career course and help to purchase new prosthetics. This is not the full list but does give you an idea of the diversity of requests we receive from our members and the help we can offer.
We have also provided welfare grants for RAPTC Branches, RAPTC Sports teams, and offset the cost of members attending remembrance services and the Aldershot biennial reunion, again this is not a full list but should give you an idea of the support we do provide.
As a small charity with limited funds it is essential that there are measures in place for the use of those funds and the RAPTC Welfare Terms of Reference articulates the criteria for access to Association welfare support. The Terms of Reference can be found on the official RAPTC website.
We have many visits to Fox Lines throughout the year and we have welcomed the daughters of Norman Jones who visited the Garden of Remembrance with Jack Goodwin and his partner. Kathleen Sheedy and her close family visited on a couple of occasions and attended the ASPT Pass-off parade which brought back many fond memories for her.
Unveiling of General Sir Jeremy Mackenzie’s Plaque. The Mackenzie Building within Fox Lines houses HQ RAPTC, HQ ASPT and the Army Sports Control Board. The building was named after General Sir Jeremy Mackenzie (Colonel Commandant RAPTC 1995 - 2011). However, there was no plaque within the building to recognise this so, the Association commissioned a plaque and held an informal gathering with General Sir Jeremy in attendance to unveil the new presentation plaque.
Association Branches
The Branches continue to provide a regional focus for retired and serving members with each branch holding successful reunion dinners and golf days in 2018. The Branches are well organised and enable members to come together at least once a year with like-minded people. The first Branch Secretaries meeting took place in June 2018. All the Branches were represented and the aim was to strengthen the working relationships between Branches and the Association office and share ideas and best practices.
The RAPTC museum goes from strength to strength and Mr Eli Dawson the Curator is expanding its’ reach through social media
Commandant presenting a copy of the presentation plaque to General Sir Jeremy Mackenzie
General Sir Jeremy Presenting a Replica General Sir Jeremy, Commandant, SMAA, The Regt Sec Plaque to the RAPTC Museum and Association Trustees at the Unveiling Ceremony