Page 159 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 159
Garden of Remembrance
The garden of remembrance sits within the grounds of the ASPT and is maintained by the ASPT contract gardeners. Within the garden we have a small summer house which houses named plaques donated by families of Association members who have passed away and, in some cases, have their ashes scattered in the garden. The summer house is in need or replacement and following a very kind and generous donation from Kathleen Sheedy (wife of deceased Maj Mike Sheedy) we are currently investigating a bespoke replacement summer house which will continue to house the memorial plaques.
SMAA presenting Medal to Paul Holden
It is not all doom and gloom in a Corps Headquarters and there is always some fun leading up to Christmas and the following photos should give you a flavour.
Diary Dates for 2019 / 2020
Kathleen Sheedy presenting the cheque to Lt Col (SMAA) T Scarr RAPTC
7 Nov 19
10 Nov 19 3 Dec 19 TBC
6 & 7 Mar 20 3 & 4 Apr 20
8 & 9 May 20
5 & 6 Jun 20 11 & 12 Sep 20
Field of Remembrance Service
– Westminster Abbey
Remembrance Sunday – Cenotaph, London NW Branch Christmas Dinner – Blackpool SW Branch Reunion Dinner
– Falfield, Nr Bristol
NW Branch Reunion Dinner – Blackpool
NE Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – Scarborough
SE Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – Portsmouth
Scottish Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – North Queensferry
RAPTC Biennial Reunion – Aldershot
3 Wise Men
Christmas in the Office
WO1 Kev Hayley with his secret santa gift!