Page 161 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 161
Mick Gannon - Secretary
Now that the dust has settled and I have had time to reflect, I needed to say what a great weekend I had. Yes, it is hard work but it is made much easier by having a great team
with me to share the load. They are Steve Monk who is also the Treasurer and Denis Sears The Chairman, unfortunately Denis has hung up his chairmanship gloves and I am sure you will join me in saying a big thank you to him for his long continued service and work with the RAPTC Association.
As they say every cloud has a silver lining, this comes in the way of Lt Col (Retired) Steve Davis taking over the mantle as Chairman and Maj (Retired) Jim Wood as Vice Chairman.
Now back to the weekend; it started with the addition of a Friday night social of Skittles, buffet, raffle and loads of catching up; it was a real fun night. After Breakfast on Saturday a golf tournament was held at Skylark golf club, Fareham, while the ladies attacked Gun Wharf Quay shopping complex or the historic dockyard.
Our AGM was held prior to our annual dinner with sixty-five diners. Our two special guests for the evening were the new Senior Master at Arms - Lt Col Steve Collinson and his wife Jane and also attending her first Association dinner as the new Corps Sergeant Major - Rachel McKenzie and her husband Dave.
The Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth is an outstanding venue where the staff’s attention to detail is second to none and the food was fantastic. I will also take this opportunity to thank our wives and Elisa Bate for their work with all the admin, selling raffle tickets, wrapping flowers and making the functions so much easier to run; finally I would like to thank all those who attended and supported The South East RAPTC Association Branch reunion.
We are already planning another SE Branch two-day reunion next year for Friday & Saturday 8th & 9th May 2020 at the same venue.
Sue Ford
The 2019 RAPTC Branch reunions began with the South West Branch reunion at The Gables Inn, Falfield, Glos in February.
For many years the Branch has had a buffet style meal but this year it was decided to mail shot the Branch members and ask their opinion. The main consensus of opinion was that a sit down meal would be preferable so it was agreed that this would be the format of the evening.
Although numbers were down, an enjoyable evening was had by all attending. It was our pleasure to welcome members from other Branches and their support was much appreciated.
An excellent three course meal was served whilst taped background music was played giving everyone the chance to sit and talk over old times. Taped music rather than the usual disco was appreciated by all, as many members did not choose to “get up and boogie” and this created a warm and pleasant ambience.