Page 162 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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  Our new SMAA Lt Col Steve Collinson was welcomed to the Branch and he updated everyone on the future of the RAPTC.
The ladies were presented with a small momento of the evening, a Rosemary infused oil containing red and black peppercorns to represent the Corps Colours. With this were home made cookies and truffles, these were made by Sue Ford and gratefully received.
A raffle was held and the sum of £150 was raised, considering the numbers attending this was excellent.
Thanks, must go to Rosie Easdown for the printing of the excellent Menu programmes.
A special thanks must go to Lt Col (Retd) Gary Jones for his continuing support and the extra grant monies that the Branches have received.
At the AGM it was announced that Lt Col (Retd.) G. W. Gelder, Nick Lear-Easdown and Mick Ford would be standing down in October so that new Committee members would be persuaded to stand.
The next South West Branch Reunion night has been pencilled in for Saturday 29th February 2020 at the Gables Inn.
Ian Dean
  The North East Branch of the Association held its AGM and Annual Reunion Dinner during the weekend of 5th / 6th April 2019.
Once again, we met at the Palm Court Hotel in Scarborough. This year we moved the golf competition to Saturday. We have been trying to encourage our members to make a weekend of it for some time now and to that end, we had a massive turnout of 79 on the Friday evening!
Our members gathered in the hotel lounge for early drinks on the Friday evening, we enjoyed supper and then were entertained by a group of “Morris Dancers”. I can hear you all laughing; it was well received and after a demonstration we had a dance floor full of Corps Men with sticks and bells dancing around the lounge. The lounge was full of many old friends and their wives telling plenty of tales from their past days.
For me, the weekend was a huge success as usual, only this occasion was made extra special by the hotel staff who welcomed us back from last year; remembering a number of us by our first names! We are very thankful to Jay (the general manager) and his staff who look after our every need and are more than
accommodating. A special thanks goes to my cohorts: Dave and Dave who make the weekend flow seamlessly for all our members.
Due to an earlier event in the year we did not get the opportunity to say farewell to our outgoing SMAA Lt Col Tom Scarr, “Thankyou” from the committee and all members of our Branch Tom for all your hard work connected with the Association. So, on Saturday at the dinner of 110, I had the pleasure of hosting and welcoming our new SMAA Lt Col Steve Collinson, congratulations on your appointment Steve and we wish you well during your tenure as Senior Master.
The dinner tables looked beautiful in crisp white linen with Corps coloured table runners, dinner treats and accessories.
Many stayed until the small hours telling their tales from their tours in the four corners of the world! With the Corps flag flying high from the Hotel roof top, it really is a top venue very close to all amenities on the East Yorkshire Coast and is very well attended by many friends who travel from all over the UK. Many thanks for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.
   SMAA presents winners medal to Sue Ford winner L-R Bill Robson, Maria Keating, John Keating, L-R Pat Kaufman, Harry Barrow, Tom Parker of the NE Branch Crazy Golf Competition 2019 Ann Robson and Tom Parker MBE MBE, Tom Mulligan, Pete Harburn

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