Page 30 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 30
Maj (MAA) R Lundie RAPTC
By the time this is published I will have moved on to pastures new and completed my time at HQ FTC. During my time the Div has transitioned under Proj BROADWAY to the specialist
roles of Information Manoeuvre (IM) and Theatre Enablement (TE). The Div is made up of 8 specialist Bdes (5 x IM & 3 x TE) who all collaborate to achieve the GOC’s Intent, which is;
Core Purpose
Command the Army’s specialist brigades to exploit the synergies between them
Willing, ready and competitive – part of a Winning Army
I have been blessed to have 2 great SMIs during the past year to deliver the usual pillars of PD. SMI Matt Arlow works tirelessly to deliver everything health for FTC units and across the Services. Matt has been integral to significantly improving the deployability stats of the Div by working with our 8 Bdes and many unit RAPTCIs. He somehow got a Business Case approved by Fd Army to employ Locum ERIs approved for 7 sites within AORs and he was also
High Wire Cse
New DPTE Tri-Service FOB Lockers
integral to the ERI forward improvements. His most notable achievements were delivering his DoFit courses to the Div HQ staff incl the GOC and Dept Comd AR (Brig) and he also delivered the first Padres DoFit cse. An outstanding operator and integral to our numerous successes in the past year, thank you Matt.
SMI Jay Gordon is front of house for all day to day PD business. Since arriving Jay has carried on the great work from SMI Daz Taylor (now Capt) to continually enhance and deliver the DPTE capability. His most notable achievements was his work to establish the Theatre Enablement Group (TEG) at 9 Regt RLC who now are responsible for the deployment of assets worldwide to support ops but mainly SAIF SAREEA 3. A short tour, he will move to LONDIST as SMI in Aug 19.
Working within the G3/7 Branch, Capt (MAA) Barry Sweatman recently arrived as the new SO3A in G7. It’s great to have Barry on board as a fellow RAPTC officer and, he is adding great value to the HQ and our subordinate Bdes.
The G3/7 Branch comprises a diverse, inclusive and fun team of military and civil servants who work hard to deliver our core outputs but, we occasionally take time to get out, be it for a mess function, a team trip to the café or on Adv Trg in N Wales and or Team Cohesion events on the High Wires at ATR (W).
In closing, as a PD staff we have delivered many tangible successes across our units but this could not have been achieved without the fantastic support of the RPOC SO3s & RAPTCIs past and present, so a huge thank you from me and the team. Another 2 year assignment has come to an end and it’s time to hand over the reins to Maj (MAA) Jim Yates in May 19. I take over from Maj (MAA) Barnett at HQ LWC who will be retiring from the Army; we all wish you well Barney. So that’s it for another year and best wishes to all for the next 12 months.
GOC’s desk Mess function
Cantilever Stone