Page 31 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 31

 On the 3 Jul 18, I found myself reporting to Force Troops Command in an E2 appointment in G7 Training. This was on my PPP, and I felt
very grateful I had been afforded the opportunity to expand my staff skills and be exposed to G7 through a much wider lens than just Physical Development. I admit, I was slightly apprehensive of the expectation of an LE, working at E2 in a 2 star HQ, but I found that the RAPTC had prepared me well throughout my soldier career for the challenges that lay ahead.
FTC is a division within the Field Army that has
specialist enablers (Intelligence, Signals, Engineers, Surveillance, Human Terrain and Air Defence capabilities). The post I came into had been gapped
for over a year, so there was a plethora of opportunities to set out my stall and define my ways of working. I have been tasked with the lead for Op ESCALIN, Op TEMPERER, Battlefield Studies, OTX and Overseas movements co-ordination, Training Lessons and have a vital role in Mission Specific Training assurance and have become an ODR ninja.
Fortunately, I have been surrounded by IG2 Majors, who are post Staff college and have been only too happy to refine and hone my
staff skills. Sending IRTBs has become the norm and I have been blown away by the level of staff work that the HQ is involved with. The collaborative work between G3 (Ops), G5 (Plans) and G7 (Trg) flows within FTC and it is impressive to see some of the commitments, future commitments and training opportunities that exist for the 8 x Brigades within FTC.
Additional taskings that have fallen to me, include scrutiny of individual training requirements, which vary from civilian IT competencies through to armoured vehicle training. Also, I have the eye- opening experience of working with Reserves and the complexities of their Training Day allocation and authorisation.
In all honesty, I never realised so many training activities take place in the Field Army; this job has shown me there is so much more to the Army. I have still managed to be part of the FTC Masters Indoor Rowing team, and we secured first place Masters in the recent RC Indoor Rowing League. The opportunities at E2 are vast, and I have learnt a great deal already. I look forward to my final year, and the challenges it will bring.
Captain (MAA) B R Sweatman RAPTC
Well where do I start? The year started off in a rather mundane way with HQ Crisis Officer duties and somehow every time I was on duty, there was a crisis called!! To the point now when my name appears on the duty forecast, personnel are booking leave!! I feel like a bad smell now!!
Then in June 18, I got an irate phone call from Col Harrison, the HQ NW Commander, asking where I was and that he needed to
speak to me immediately. As I tried to explain myself without any joy, he finally dropped the news that I had been awarded an MBE on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List!! It came as a complete shock and I was speechless. I have had some lovely comments from people since which I am hugely appreciative of, and there was a couple of “what? for services to football! It started a frenzy of activity arranging travel, hotels, etc to get down to Buckingham Palace for the Investiture on 13 December. I travelled down with

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