Page 71 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 71

 Life at 16th Signal Regiment over the last year has been enjoyable. This is mainly down to the CO’s intent in which the hallmark of the Regiment is
‘unashamedly people focused’ via his three pillars - Job satisfaction, personal development and reward. With the end state (in short) being a confident and motivated Regiment able to deliver. This is evident in the support given whether I’m delivering for the Unit or Brigade.
There were two stand out events since my last article, the UK Midlands Festival of Sport and the addition of another Squadron within the Regiment. Both presenting their own challenges for my department and the Unit dynamics.
Having had the conversation with the SO3, Capt (MAA) Jackson, it was agreed I’d be delivering the Festival of Sport to the envy of my peers left and right of my office (SSgt (SSI) ‘Watty’ Watson of 22nd Signal Regiment and SSgt (SSI) ‘Coach’ Carter of 1st Signal Regiment. As there had not been a Festival of Sport in the Midlands for some years I didn’t have a handrail to follow and with the advice of QMSI Foley and the SO3 I plotted my plan. Although on first appearance MoD Stafford seems new and shiny, it does at times feel as if there is a lack of floor space. Three Major Units as well as an RAF detachment all sharing highlighted
Capt (MAA) Jackson overseeing SSgt (SSI) Woolridge during transition
RAPTCIs, AAPTIs and competitors at the closing address of the UK Midlands Festival of Sport
to me I’d have to box clever utilising what I had to best effect. I decided on 5 sports for the festival, Volleyball, Football, Squash, Badminton and a Wattbikeathlon (Bike and Run).
The event was an outstanding success, with the Bde Commander commenting that it was the best attended and organised Festival of Sport he’d had the pleasure of being part of. Pat on the back suitably earned, however it was the team behind the scenes that deserved all the thanks for the organisation and delivery of their part: SSgt (SSI) Gray – IC Admin, SSgt (SSI) Carter – IC Volleyball, SSgt (SSI) Bowater - IC Squash, SSgt (SSI) White and Beverly – IC Football, Sgt Bhim – IC Badminton and SSgt (SSI)
Woolridge – IC Wattbikeathlon and of course all the AAPTIs from MoD Stafford who on the day ensured their whites, were whiter than white.
This year 16th Signal Regiment had the honour of reforming 247 Gurkha Signal Squadron, along with that I inherited 4 qualified AAPTIs and plenty of fit, motivated volunteers for the AAPTI course. Managing the physical development for 5 Squadrons who each have very differing forecast of events is challenging. Combined with the introduction of the APTS and PES, my role within the Regiment feels even more worthwhile and rewarding.
Master of ceremony SSgt (SSI) Woolridge, available for hire
SSgt (SSI) A Stoby RAPTC

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