Page 73 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 73
BBC Students in Water based Sport
of medical discharges, thereby increasing manning. In the FY 17/18, 1796 Army personnel were medically discharged (RN 486 and RAF 196), how many of these would have remained in Service if they had attended the MAC? Difficult to tell, but what isn’t in doubt is that too many WIS are not being sent on the MAC despite it being mandatory for all Army WIS. AGAI 99 recommends that all WIS should attend the MAC as early as possible in the recovery pathway, and no later than the 56-day point, providing they are medically cleared to attend. There are currently 576 MAC places per annum, which would not be enough if all Army units adhered to AGAI 99 and sent their WIS on the MAC.
RAPTCIs could assist their units, its WIS and the BBC by signposting WIS and unit welfare staff to the MAC. Applications
MAC Students in wheelchair Basketball
should be submitted directly to the BBC Office Manager:
Lastly, I would like to thank the staff at RRU Cosford for the support they provided during my time there. Such a brilliant team with a high operating standard coupled with the clinical know how! Also, on behalf of the BBC centre here I would like bid farewell to the TWO – WO2 (QMSI) M Murphy RAPTC who has come to the end of his service, thanks for all your hard work and contribution here at the BBC and good luck for the future!
SSgt (SSI) C Carter RAPTC
1Signal Regiment’s mission is to enable Comd Sp to deployed forces within the Land Environment IOT SHAPE and SUPPORT Information Manoeuvre in 20 AI Bde.
With 3 Regiments (1SR, 16SR & 22SR) and 1 RAF Squadron totalling approximately 1500 personnel MOD Stafford is a busy site and by default is now the UK Midlands sporting hub. Facilities are heavily sought after and just one of the daily battles the Regiment encounters. MOD Stafford is a very lively and energetic estate which is constantly evolving with new initiatives from all 3 SSIs. With the mission in mind nothing surprises me with the ever- growing list of outputs expected of the RAPTCI.
1 Signal Regiment is well within its committed year with Operations worldwide including South Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Poland, Estonia, Canada and the Falklands just to mention a few. Continuous training, exercises and structured PT ensures the Regiment are prepared and operationally ready to support wider Army commitments.
Juggling a busy daily schedule along with validations, competitions, Health Fair delivery and AAPTI issues is all part of the fun at 1 Signal Regiment. Many events have been showcased during my tenure here including, the Brigade Festival of Sport, UK Midlands Cross Country, Royal Signals Cross Country, Squash, Netball and Basketball just to name a few.
The Regiment has also been busy in the sporting arena holding its own in various disciplines. The football team are currently the champions (of everything) in both the Army and West Midlands League, Army and West Midlands Cup holders, Royal Signals McBean Cup Holders, Corps Sevens and Army Sixes Champions.