Page 75 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 75

 DMS(W) Tri Service PTI's in force
SSgt (SSI) D Woolridge RAPTC
DMS (W) is a busy Tri Service Phase 2 and 3 training establishment with approximately 800 students and 400 permanent staff. It is also the home of the Surgeon
General’s HQ (the director medical policy and Operational Capability, and the director healthcare delivery & training), as well as the Defence College of Healthcare Education and Training. The Physical Training department consists of 4 PTI’s (2 x Army, 1 x RAF and 1 X Navy instructor) which are fully submerged in the delivery of the APTS as part of the syllabus. The main objective of PT at DMS(W) is facilitating the output standards for the Phase Two and Three Trainees. This has been helped by a £50,000 uplift of the gymnasium to accommodate delivery of the APTS.
Arriving in Feb 18 from an ATI background and not owning a set of MTP, WO2 (QMSI) Hargreaves had to transition quickly into a very busy Tri Service mainstream environment. This was not without its challenges with Programme THOR, APTS, PES & SCR thrown into the mix. It is safe to say he now has no trouble deadlifting, such is his passion for lifts that on a canoe expedition he was seen deadlifting the canoes out of the river and split squatting them onto the trailer.
SSgt (SSI) Woolridge took over the role of gym 2ic in September 2018, being keen and enthusiastic he slotted nicely into the diversity of the tri-service environment. Part of the role is to mentor the tri-service PTIs and develop the training programmes needed to facilitate the whole of the organisation. SSgt (SSI) Woolridge is also the Brigade Wattbike Secretary and supported Midlands Sport by recently developing a winter Wattbike league amongst other Wattbike competitions throughout the year.
During the last year, the tri-service AAPTI’s were fortunate to conduct some community engagement facilitating Wolverhampton and Aston Villa FC, then most recently Lancashire Cricket Team in a 1-day package. This included physical training, leadership and initiative training, using his Para training, QMSI Hargreaves conducted some mental resilience training in the form of a P Coy style stretcher race.
So far so good during my tour at DMS(W) and I look forward to the challenges the next year brings!
     Lancashire Cricket Team - taking a boxercise at Old Trafford
SSgt Woolridge hosting UK Midlands Individual & Team Wattbike Competition

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