Page 88 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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WO1 (SMI) N Ronald RAPTC
 WO1 (SMI) Ronald – day one in sunny Harrogate
Fox Company Overview – WO1 (SMI) Ronald RAPTC
AFC Harrogate is the factory for future leaders, delivering world class training to over 1600 Junior Soldiers per year. Many of you will have seen the TV programme ‘Raw Recruits’, which outlines the transformation of the 16-18 year olds that arrive here. If not, have a look on ITV catch up where you may also see some familiar faces! Fox Coy is, at the time of writing, commanded by Maj (MAA) Hendrickson MBE (Now Lt Col). At the time of reading,
of Senior Instructor over to myself before completing his transition into civvy street. The wing has stood strong and never failed to let these challenges faze it, mainly due to having two rocks in the forms of Sgt Dave Ashton and Sgt Matt Kirkbright.
The wing has continued to drive forward and strives to deliver the highest quality of product for the Junior Soldiers (JS). Our most frequent gripe from JS is that they wanted more time training with us (despite having no less than 4 weeks!).
The L&IT Wing is a Type 1 AT centre, and offers four, 1 week packages:
L&IT 1 – Focused around Mental Resilience Training (MRT) and the Junior Leader’s Code (JLC), this week contains theory and practical work combined with high ropes training to sow the seed for the remainder of the L&IT yet to come. The college’s MRT lead is Capt Adam Scott AGC (ETS), who has developed the package in order to effectively dovetail all stakeholder elements to greater effect.
L&IT 2 – This week is a mountaineering week, focusing on the basic technical skills and introducing developmental techniques. Continuity throughout this week is priceless and sees some fantastic results in the JS’ performance. The JS are trained and assessed throughout this week and measured against the Junior Leader’s Code.
L&IT 3 – A multi-activity week over a four-day rotation through Paddle Sports, Climbing, Caving and Mountaineering. The nature of this week ensures that every JS is challenged out of their comfort zone as well as having plenty of positive and fun experiences along the way.
L&IT 4 – Exercise Junior Long Reach. During this week, the JS plan and negotiate 3 peaks of the Yorkshire Dales, completing command tasks at many of the check points along the way. The JS are tested on the skills and attributes developed in the previous L&IT weeks. This exercise also assesses each JS for their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award.
Despite our staff being wall-to-wall delivery focused, time has still been found to organise and facilitate a ten-day skiing expedition for PS and JS, a college road cycling training camp in Majorca and the RAPTC road cycling training camp in preparation for the Inter Corps Championships.
Another busy year has passed, with plenty more ahead. The L&IT Wing stands proud, assured that it’s the jewel in the crown of the AFC.
Imjin Platoon
Capt (MAA) C Hames RAPTC
Imjin Platoon is the injury rehabilitation platoon for AFC (H) that comes directly under Fox Coy. For those of you wondering if it is a worthwhile post, it largely depends on what you consider as worth- while. If you enjoy inspiring young impressionable teenagers and putting them on the right path to enjoy a full military career, then this is for you!
JS are transferred to the Platoon throughout the training pipe line and post-graduation before moving on to phase two training. They usually come in at approximately 54 days ‘on the sick’ mark when they are clearly making little progress in their own Platoons. Here we keep all JS up to date with military training, allow them 2 hours per day of specific rehabilitation with the excellent ERIs and physios, carry out recreational therapy and work on their mind set.
Maj (MAA) Neville will have taken over the reins and is no doubt enjoying the fast-paced lifestyle here at the College! The OC is supported by myself as the Coy 2IC and by each of the specialist departments who each have their own OICs. Fox Coy is currently undergoing exciting change preparation ahead of CMS 18 implementation and I am looking forward to seeing the positive effect this will have on our future leaders.
 WO2 (QMSI) Allen – grafting away!
Recruiting has picked up significantly within the junior entry sector and with this comes some exciting challenges for the department to look forward to. As a College, we are training and educating some of the most vulnerable young adults from society and the product and quality of soldier departing Harrogate continues to impress. Times have changed and so has
society; an organisation such as this can quickly be left behind if we don’t embrace change and move with the times.
A year ago, I wrote about the work that SSgt (SSI) Leach and Sgt (SI) Chadwick were conducting on behalf of ITG (Initial Training Group) with the re-write of the PD syllabus. I now write with its implementation commencing in the coming few weeks. The opportunity to set up our young women and men for a full military career is a real challenge but something that has been grasped by the whole military/civilian PD delivery staff.
Exposure to sport, sports tours, AT, expeditions, cracking facilities and high-profile sporting events allow the soldiers to experience the army flavour and retention within the organisation has never been better.
In summary, I feel particularly privileged to be in the role at the College. Working alongside my diligent and dedicated team, we continue to provide some of the very best soldiers to field army units, many of whom will kick on to become members of the WOs’ & Sgts’ mess in years to come and very possibly RAPTCIs of the future. From front door to back door, the improvement and change is huge, and the delivery staff should continue to be hugely proud of what is achieved at this fantastic organisation.
Leadership & Initiative Training (L&IT)
SSgt (SSI) D Mudge RAPTC
2018-2019 has seen the L&IT Wing heavily challenged with man power, having had four OIC changeovers (not that they don’t want to be here) and seeing SSgt Paul Hanna handing the reins

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