Page 134 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 134

The RAPTC still has a major in uence in the Army XC and road racing teams with athletes competing for the male, female and veteran teams. At the Inter Service XC Championships 2016, hosted by the RAF at RAF Halton, the RAPTC had 4 representatives. SSgts Daz Farrugia and Gareth Young competed in the senior male team, WO2 Paton featured in the male veteran team and SSgt Shan Mans eld captained the Army’s female team although unable to race due to illness.
Furthermore, on the road, SSgt Daz Farrugia recorded a PB of 2:47mins at
the Army Marathon Championships in October 2015 and  nished runner up in Army competition and 11th overall. He will team up with WO2 Paton, who  nished 3th Army veteran, at the 2016 Inter Service Half Marathon and was a member of the Army winning team who were crowned the Inter Service Champions at the London Marathon 2015.
RAPTC XC/Road is by far the most in uential sport within the Corps. This feat is only achieved as a result of the commitment from our athletes who sacri ce their personal time to train and to travel to events, often at weekends,
SSgt (SSI) JP Spence RAPTC
to represent the RAPTC. I would like to thank every athlete and supporter, who has reinforced the true meaning of ‘Espirt de Corps’ and backed the RAPTC XC Teams during my tenure as the RAPTC XC Secretary.
The RAPTC XC is looking to re-established itself as a dominant force and is always looking to recruit new athletes. Therefore if you would like to be part of a winning team then contact WO2 (QMSI) Paton for further details. The future is bright; the future is Red and Black.
Amixed year for the RAPTC Water Polo Team, sporting our new trunks and hats we looked the part as we entered the Inter Corps Water Polo Competition in Aldershot December 2015. Unfortunately the new kit did not enhance our performance and we were beaten in all three of the league games. Not to be deterred we are treating it as a positive as the vast majority of the team had never played before or were not aware of the rules. Although we were missing some key players a few of the old water polo stalwarts came forward and played, special mention to SSgt (SSI) Joe Stapleton who abandoned his busy work schedule last minute and drove up to Aldershot the night before sleeping in his van, showing real dedication to the team. Maj (MAA) Ian Phillips a spectator who came to our aid and donned a pair of trunks and
came out of water polo retirement to play two games. We had the biggest squad of players seen for a very long time, which enabled us to make vital substitutions we were just lacking experience overall.
2016 is looking promising if we can build the team with the new players who may have realised it’s not as violent a game as its reputation would deem it. We have two  xtures in 2016 the RAPTC biennial reunion and the Inter Corps, the ambition is to have a day’s training prior to theses  xtures and we welcome any new players. A calling notice will come out in June 2016 for any serving RAPTC members interested in representing the RAPTC at water polo or swimming.
RAPTC Water Polo Team 2015
The RAPTC Army Inter Corps Championships 2015
The 2015 basketball calendar was shaped by friendly matches throughout the competitive season in preparation for the 2015 Army Inter-Corps Championships (ICC) held at the Garrison Sports Centre, Aldershot (AGSC).
The RAPTC engaged in a number of friendly  xtures including military and civilian opponents. The highest standard
Inter Corps Water Polo Competition 2015
SSgt (SSI) D Brown RAPTC
of opposition came against the  rst Division Winchester Wasps who tested the Corps reserve and eventually won the match (87-78).
Further  xtures included playing the Tidworth Garrison team (including the Army Inter Unit Champions KRH) and the Wattisham Garrison-Army Air Corps team. The  xtures saw the Corps narrowly beating the Tidworth team and coming runners up against the Wattisham side.
The 2015 ICC’s were hosted and administered by the Royal Signals at the AGSC. The male team’s initial  xture revealed the RAPTC would face the 2014 ICC winners, the RLC. The game was lightening paced from the tip off, with both teams taking turns to lead, however the RLC were eventual winners taking the game by 8 points. As the competition continued the male team was plagued by injury and struggled to maintain the pace set by the larger Corps.

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