Page 147 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 147

Gelder Trophy 2016 presented to Dave Warburton Pearson Trophy presented to SSgt Rodgers Trophy presented to (SSI) AJ Stephenson RAPTC WO2 (QMSI) ML Fletcher RAPTC
but sumptuous evening meal. On Saturday we had 110 people sat down to dinner and a few on the waiting list too. Our room looked splendid in all its glory and corps colours, and of course our lovely ladies were beautiful as well. We were supported this year by our Corps rugby team who played against Whitby RFC and came back with a win. Our new Hotel the Palm Court did us proud without doubt and members are already asking about booking for next year. Once again Dave Smith came up trumps with our Auction/raf e items that he begs from the corporate world and
raised a substantial amount of money for the good of our Branch. Dave Warburton, Mr Meticulous ensured that all members had a great experience from the moment they arrived till they departed. So very well done to Dave & Dave. And  nally I had the pleasure of presenting our departing SMAA Lt Col Steve Davis with a framed water colour of a beach scene in Scarborough painted by our very own Don Glynn, we wish you well Steve and hope to see you soon.
Current & Retired Corps Rugby Players NE Branch Golf 2016 Retired Corps Football Players
Billy Ferguson, a founder member of the North West Branch, recalled the  rst ever meeting in 1987, which took place in Shuddehill,
Manchester at a public house called ‘The Swan with Two Necks’. In attendance were: Jim Blackley, Brian Stead, Bill Ferguson, Stan Meadows, Peter Muncaster and Lou Costello. He coerced Stan Meadows to be the Treasurer, and Jim Blackley the Secretary. Peter Muncaster or Lou Costello was considered for selection as branch Chairman, but Alan Duxbury, who was about to change his SMAA uniform for a Saville Road suit, was approached and selected.
Brian stepped in to take over from Jim Blackley in his hour of need and with the help of his good lady, Mary, they made a formidable team and between the both of them raised the standard to which we all enjoy today. He loved the job and was always on hand to help any veteran and their families whenever he could.
In 2010, Brian was acknowledged for his hard work for the branch and selected as a trustee of a new Royal Army Physical Training Corps Association Executive Committee. He was extremely proud of this role, which he enjoyed. But after many years’ services to the branch, Alan Duxbury and Brian Stead handed in their sticks and Zimmer frames and called it a day. They were great friends
and their contribution to the North West Branch has been quite outstanding.
In their wake, the committee secured a serving SMI, Shaun Carey, to take over Brian’s appointment. However, I do believe he was handcuffed to a radiator until he agreed to the nomination. Well Done Gary Jones for that. Clem McBride remains our prudent Treasurer juggling with funds raised through subscriptions, donations and raf es. Peter Scales has assumed the Vice Chairman’s spot as
well as Assistant Treasurer. Then there are the unsung committee members, the old faithful ‘wives and daughters of’ - the ladies that help with gifts, décor and raf es at our functions. If it weren’t for them and the amount of background work they undertake, this branch of the Association would not happen. My thanks to you all!
Cenotaph Parade
As in each year, the main contingent representing the RAPTC is at the Cenotaph Parade march past in London. The North East Association holds theirs in York while we in the North West celebrate ours at Preston. In Preston, hundreds of people crowded the streets around the Flag Market and the war memorial for the service of remembrance, which was poignant on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1, and just weeks since the end of British involvement in the Afghanistan con ict. The

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