Page 16 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 16
WO1 (SMI) S Jackson RAPTC
In September 2015 HQ Support Command was stood down and reborn under the new name HQ Regional Command (HQ RC). Despite the renaming of the HQ, business continues as
normal with HQ RC PD Branch delivering the rm base element of Physical Development, Sport and Adventurous Training to the 9 Regional Brigades and British Forces Germany.
The Physical Training Equipment (PTE) procurement plan successfully delivered rst class PTE to 130 Regular and Reserve Units. A signi cant proportion of the PTE spend during 15/16 FY was on Wattbikes in support of the A3. This has enabled hundreds of injured or downgraded servicemen and women to be tested in line with their peers which is a major step change in Physical Testing.
October 2015 saw the roll out of the Regional Command Indoor Rowing League (RCIRL), the rst ever pan army competition allowing competitors to take part remotely without travelling anywhere. This was extremely successful and looks to grow bigger and better between Oct 16 – Mar 17. Nearly 1000 servicemen and women and 64 teams competed over 6 leagues accounting for the under 40’s, masters 40+, females and lightweights (<75kg male and <61.5kg female). Challenges were varied month to month to target different energy systems and to test power/ endurance alike.
HQ RC PD Staff
In Nov 2015, we were all delighted to see the return of Tony Phinn as the SO2 AT for the Tiger (South) AT desk. For those unaware Tony battled hard to overcome blood cancer and is now back looking tter and stronger than ever. His hair grew back so much he now has more than the whole of the PD branch staff combined. The task of managing the desk between April and Dec fell to me, a baptism of re with a vertical learning curve. Not many will be aware of the sheer volume of JSATFAs that the Tiger desk deals with - approximately 1000 each TY. This increased as a result of CLF’s directive for all Units to increase AT to 33% and more expeditionary in nature. Of the 1000 applications In the region of 700-800 expeds are successfully conducted. Every JSATFA means numerous contacts with Exped Leaders, scrutiny of all sections IAW AGAI Vol 1 Ch 11/JSP 419, issuing technical approval to the DDH, chasing down and checking PXRs and closing down the JSATFA. The Tiger desk de nitely punches above its weight with only one SO2 ATDO and one admin support clerk.
In February 16 we said farewell to the SO2 PD Maj Phillips and welcomed Maj Mark Field. Furthermore WO1 (SMI) Greenwood departed following 2 years as the SMI Sport, with the arrival of WO1 (SMI) Bennett in April 2016. In closing, the Branch is extremely fortunate for the support and dedication of Ms Jana Bridzikova who produces exceptional work in support of the Branch as the PD Support Clerk – Thanks Jana from us all!