Page 36 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 36
The Regiment remain engaged on preparatory training for contingent operations with a sub unit supporting the Air Manoeuvre Battle Group (AMBG). This has required the physical training of the sub-units to be arduous, challenging and above all it has had to be versatile.
The early part of this year has seen both PNCO/JNCO leadership courses take place in Brecon, Wales. Previous courses have demonstrated great successes and it is shaping up to reaf rm the Regiments continued use of Brecon for such courses.
As an Airborne unit, soldiers and of cers
are expected to complete the All Arm Pre-
Parachute Selection Course (AAPPS). There are
4 courses conducted each year. The Regiment
have conducted AAPPS Block 1 this year
with volunteers from the other units within the
Brigade and from within the wider Army, so any
RAPTCI who wishes to prepare for this arduous
course should contact the author. The course is
always evolving but Test week hasn’t changed
for a very long time, we are just training smarter,
with a shortened preparation course being
trialled as directed by 16 Air Assault Brigade (16X) in conjunction with P-Coy staff.
Even with the high tempo of life in the Regiment a strong emphasis is still placed on participation in Adventurous Training (AT), Sport and Charity challenges. We have seen both G and F Btys complete AT in France and Austria. We also have had several members of the Regiment participating in Nordic skiing this year.
I have been tasked to assist in the planning & co-ordination of the Regiments participation in the Royal Artillery Ubique 300 celebrations. This involved participants completing a 90 mile loaded march from Ypres to Waterloo, Belgium. On completion of this, 17 members of the Regiment, including myself, completed the journey from Waterloo back to Merville Barracks, Colchester via Roubaix, France totalling a distance of 355 miles.
Physical development within the Regiment is strongly supported and my suggestions to improve elements of PD have been
Members of 7th Para RHA. Nuclear races, Brentwood, Essex
fully embraced with the implementation of structured Remedial training and both Rehabilitation & Reconditioning PT showing promising results already. The unit understands it is imperative to support the full
care pathway in order to improve overall operational effectiveness. This newly implemented structured process ensures individuals receive guidance, knowledge and mentoring.
Commanding Of cer’s Christmas PT was a challenging obstacle course over 16 Kilometres consisting of 82 obstacles. This provided the soldiers within the unit a challenging, yet enjoyable end to a typically fast paced year and marked the start of the festive celebrations.
The New Year has started at a frantic pace, with AAPPSC 1504 and the return of the Regiment to Brecon, Wales, to conduct the PNCO/JNCO leadership courses once again.
2016’s calendar will see the Regiment spread over numerous commitments as part of 16 Air Assault Brigade. Elements of the Regiment will come together to cycle in Sicily, Italy. This will culminate in the 9000ft ascent of Mt Etna in March and the formidable IMMORTAL HALF IRONMAN in May.
SSgt (SSI) R Davies RAPTC
Members of 7th Para RHA. Nuclear races, Brentwood, Essex