Page 101 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 101
2020 has been an unprecedent year for the Bn, which has continued to plough on steadfastly despite significant disruption in challenging times. The Gymnasium has been
gapped a QMSI since Feb 20 due to WO2 (QMSI) Andy Kewley RAPTC leaving at the end of his 24-year career. On behalf of the Bn, I thank you for your hard work and dedication at the twilight of a fantastic career. In his absence the resident Bn ERI SSgt (SSI) Lee Paterson RAPTC is stepping in at the helm, very ably supported by Sgt (SI) Tom Hemming RAPTC. 8 Trg Bn REME is one of 4 units that make up the Defence College of Technical Training (DCTT) based at MOD Lyneham, delivering trade training courses to 1200-1500 phase 2 and 3 trainees. In addition to 8 Trg Bn REME, the garrison footprint encompasses HQ DSEME, HQ REME and the REME Arms School. The addition of 5 Bn REME this year has taken the number of soldiers on this establishment to over 2000 personnel.
Covid 19 has resulted in a dramatic effect on how PT, Sport and AT is delivered with the latter being heavily disrupted or cancelled. The PD staff took to the challenge of delivering PT to all courses returning from lockdown 1 ensuring lessons were safe in an ever changing Covid environment. Mitigation measures included ensuring all sessions were split down to smaller ratios, were socially distanced compliant, provided pre and post safety briefs, used fixed team only groups, delivered Covid specific CPD training and held regular lesson validations of all Instructors. In preparation for indoor delivery and individual training the PD team worked hard on re-arranging equipment and establishing strict control measures for gymnasium access. This included the use of a booking-in app which restricted usage to the maximum capacity per building dimension per hour, additional cleaning stations and regular duty PTI checks enforcing strict adherence across the site. The last stage of infrastructure improvement saw the completion of a 3-year equipment overhaul in which the final phase of procurement and delivery of new PTE was concluded. This completed a £330k equipment
refurbishment ensuring that the unit facilitates the latest equipment for future training delivery.
Despite sport being cancelled for the year, the Bn has engaged in numerous virtual competitions including a unit 5km run and a functional fitness themed competition. Both competitions were split between 2 categories and run over a period of 6 weeks with new events released weekly. The 2 challenges were aimed at maximising participation during lockdown and keeping the staff and students in shape focusing on
short distance runs and functional bodyweight movements. The challenges were fiercely contested, and a fantastic effort was achieved by those who entered. The PD team also organised a number of physical challenges including Bn wide PT afternoons where up to 700 personnel attended at a time. The organisation of this was simple despite the numbers present and Covid restrictions in place utilising the vast training area and sports fields. A key event run prior to Lockdown 2 was the Red bull 24hr time laps cycling challenge. This event drew teams to cycle for 24 hours collectively cycling 2926 miles with all teams cycling the equivalent of Lands End to Edinburgh.
The Bn PD team further complemented the physical training program by providing an 8 week at home training programme, injury prevention booklets and developed a PD VLE page for students to keep busy during disrupted course delivery. On Wed 25 Aug 21 the Bn under Sgt (SI) Hemming RAPTC organised an outdoor sports fair consisting of 33 sports catering for over 600 students and permanent staff. The event included some amazing stands put together by the Sports OICs and it was really impressive to see the imagination used for the stands. A long afternoon but very well received by all. To supplement the sporting profile a number of charity events have been completed including leg 48 of the Hope for Hasti relay, which involved 6 permanent staff to complete an 8-mile march carrying a stretcher, webbing and daysack whilst barefoot. The members of permanent staff who completed the event managed to raise £1,288.90 for gene therapy treatment, an outstanding effort by all!
Looking forward the Bn faces the challenges that NON GCC RFT(S) will bring. The CoC have received briefings highlighting plans to implement, train and deliver testing to all Service personnel. The PD team have led on valuable CPD delivery to all PD staff on site and the Battle Wing for future MATT 2 delivery. The
last stage remains to deliver training safely and getting the REMEs’ future soldiers up to speed with all elements of the test. There is a distinct need to change the idea that tabbing is the only output; certainly, from the seniors perspective. A real culture change is in force and this is led from the students who have only known APTS delivery. The challenge remains changing the thought process of command and the “old and the bold”. It is hoped that with better training conditions once we are out of the pandemic that we are able to get the new generation of REME soldiers out the door fully compliant with the Fd Army standards.
SSgt (SSI) L Paterson RAPTC
Bn Covid compliant PT
Boxing stand on the Bn Sports Fair
Leg 48, on the ground!