Page 102 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 102

Despite the COVID pandemic, it has been business as usual (well as best as can be) with the pull through of ITT to the Fd Army. However, methods of delivery and ways of
achieving the training objectives have been creatively adapted across all elements of the ITT training pipeline. The early days of the first lockdown in the pandemic forced ITT to learn remotely. As a Gym we were poised and ready to deliver an effective remote PT programme, that still centred around facilitating all the components of fitness as per the APTS. The remote PT programme consisted of a number of elements to ensure it’s effectiveness.
Firstly, we were fortunate enough to have a number of MyZone belts as a result of the CFA innovation fund. The MyZone belts are wearable tech that in essence is a heart rate monitor that rewards effort through MyZone Effort Points (MEPs). MyZone has been traditionally utilised within the Civilian sector of the fitness industry. However, the application within the Military domain has proved invaluable. The data from each workout is uploaded to the website. This means we can analyse the data accordingly to monitor adherence to PT, effort levels produced by the ITT on lessons. Furthermore, it was an educational tool and a way of incentivising PT through the social interaction between ITT provided by the App. In essence this was a tangible record of what each ITT had conducted remotely, with a training history it meant we were able to hit the ground running with Level 3 PT. This took away any guess work and potential MSKI for the ITT upon their return to the Aviation Centre.
In addition to the wearable tech, each ITT was issued PTE, which would enable them to conduct the APTS and target all the components of fitness. The delivery of PT was conducted three times a week via ZOOM video conferencing with a PTI taking the lead. This ensured that the Military interaction was maintained, as well as coaching and education throughout the remote learning package.
MyZone profile of an APTS session
An exciting project that I have taken the lead for is the development of a new Gym facility at the Army Aviation Centre. The situation presented itself where a hangar space became available, this rare opportunity was firmly seized, and the use of the pre-existing infrastructure was fully supported and funded by Maj Lundie SO2 PD LWC. The project is progressing as planned with the imminent arrival of the PTE. This project is significantly more cost effective than the original plan, which was to develop a brand new facility. The Gym is scheduled to be opened by the Director Land Warfare Centre at the end of April. More photos and updates to follow in the next iteration of the MBS.
WO2 (QMSI) J Marshall RAPTC
       ZOOM PT in action

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