Page 104 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Another 12 months have come and gone but It’s not been a year we thought we would have to deal with. As with all military gyms and establishments we’ve had to juggle PD delivery around the ever-changing direction, guidance and policy requirements to ensure that the training pipeline is not affected, and we still produced high calibre trainees for Defence. As with all the dynamic PTI’s we produce through the ASPT, the DITG team came up with excellent ways of improvising PT delivery, whether that be virtually through Defence Connect or socially distanced external lessons. These new methods ensured we continued the flow of trainees through Chicksands with no increase in injuries or failure rates. This all culminated in the gym staff being awarded the DITG Commanders commendation award, well done team.
A positive outcome of the 12 months was the conception of a specific reconditioning suite to assist level 1 PT thanks to Sgt (SI) Robbie RAPTC. As with normal PT, rehab has also had to change their work capability as all PCRF face to face contacts have been minimised unless necessary. Emphasis has been placed on educating patients, so they are able to apply adaptations to their exercise therapy sessions where needed, which in turn can only help them moving forwards in the future. To help even further we have designed a patient booklet containing useful information and guidance to help assist in their rehabilitation care pathway. We procured two new lower limb machines, which offer specific isolated strengthening to improve outcomes for patients. The new procurement has been placed in the reconditioning suite, which has been redesigned and is now equipped to facilitate the execution of key functional movements for all service personnel, this has now created an indispensable space to deliver key exercise rehabilitation.
Due to the lack of activity to write on I thought this a perfect opportunity to report on my SIO here at Chicksands, a former APTC QMSI who left the corps in 1998. Every year he reads the journal and tells me stories of those he recognises. Anthony Watt joined the Army in 1975 into the Royal Artillery before transferring into the APTC in 1990 through Class 1 course 127. His fellow course peers were the likes of former SMAAs’ Cols Collinson, Scarr and Lewis all of which he has many tales he enjoys sharing over a whisky.
Following his 23 years’ service he went straight into the SIO post at ATR Glencourse before moving south and undertaking the same role at Lichfield and then again to ATR Bassingbourn. After
Sgt (SI) Ferreira, WO2 (QMSI) Armstrong and Sgt (SI) Robbie Chicksands RAPTCI’s
DITG Commanders Commendation
the closure of Bassingbourn he joined Defence Intelligence here at Chicksands in 2013 as the incumbent SIO PT. So, after 23 years as an SIO in various training establishments it’s safe to say Tony has trained a large percentage of the current British Army. He is still going strong; he trains daily, and he invites any of his former PTIs to Chicksands for a pint and an arm wrestle.
As we move forward, which we are told is a “one-way road to freedom”, we look forward to welcoming the soldiers back to the gymnasium and delivering AT and Sport, but more importantly being able to see colleagues, families and friends. Until next year train hard and fight easy.
WO2 (QMSI) C Armstrong RAPTC
   SIO Watt

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