Page 105 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 105
This training year started off at an extremely fast pace with a revitalised Amherst Five event; an event that incorporates teams of soldiers competing against the clock over an arduous 4-mile circuit. The course is broken down into five sections, which are aimed at challenging and developing the team’s communication skills, leadership ability, robustness, cohesion and of course to just have fun.
With large scale events taking place throughout the training year it was not long before we were running our 2nd event. With great pride we were asked to welcome the Corps Boxing Championships backtoChatham,thehomeoftheRoyalEngineers.Overthree days we hosted twelve Royal Engineer Regiments and for the first time we were able to use the local Medway Park Sports Centre; not only did this provide more room for spectators, VIPs and unit displays but it also enabled us to foster the strong ties that we continue to enjoy with our local community and businesses.
The first National lockdown brought about many unfamiliar personal and professional frictions and challenges, but it did also present some unique opportunities for development. Our PTIs ran online PT sessions, STRAVA running clubs, cycling competitions and worked hard to keep our trainees engaged and committed to both their physical and mental health.
Although we made use of our time in lockdown it was clear that returning to work and restarting F2F Physical Training had an extremely positive impact on my staff and our unit; I think soldiers work better with routine and regular interaction. Delivering daily physical training to over 600 trainees outside of
WO2 Read 2km Virtual Race.jpeg
a gymnasium and inside the camp perimeter has not been easy but I have been impressed with the initiative and resourcefulness that my staff have shown to engage with and enthuse their audiences. Whilst embracing the new ‘normal’ we have worked hard to introduce a new, structured nine-week Physical Training Programme that incorporates all the components of fitness and follows the Army Physical Training System.
The introduction of the
Army Inter Unit Virtual Race
events has been hugely
popular and exceptionally
motivating across the whole of the Regiment. It is with some relief that my PTIs continue to set high benchmarks for the top spots, but it is clear they have enjoyed the competition from our trainees and permanent staff.
Over the last twelve months I have been struck by the resilience of my unit and the commitment of my team in the face of considerable challenges. My team have not only continued to meet their operational outputs but have had a significant positive impact on our people; keeping them in sound mind and strong body and staying true to our Corps’ motto:
‘Mens sana in corpore sano.’
1 RSME Amherst 5 Event
SSgt (SSI) now WO2 (QMSI) Wood RAPTC with Mrs Wood receiving his CBF commendation from the Commander British Forces Cyprus - Major-General R Thomson CBE DSO
WO2 Read officiating at RE Boxing Champs