Page 107 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Maj (MAA) G Logan RAPTC
At last there finally appears to be ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ after the challenges of the past 12 months as the vaccine roll out in the UK continues to gather pace. Adventurous Training has not escaped the reach of the Covid pandemic and the impact has been significant to say the least, resulting in a 75% reduction in core outputs (courses and expeditions). Through the dedication and adaptability of our delivery providers, Adventurous Training Foundation Centre and Joint Service Mountain Training
Centre, we have managed to deliver a reduced programme of Joint Service Adventurous Training (JSAT) awards. However, delivery has not been possible in activities such as alpine and winter mountaineering, caving and skiing due to their seasonal nature and the impact of Covid restrictions.
Whilst output has been understandably reduced, development across the Group has continued. This includes but is not limited to, the recruitment of a SO2 Engagement and Communications (E&C), resubordination of the Course Design Cell (CDC) to HQ Adventurous Training Group (Army) (ATG(A)), relocation of the Castlemartin Wing to Brecon, and the transfer of C2 of the Joint Service Adventure Sail Training Centre from the Royal Navy to the Army. These in turn have provided a central focus for E&C across
the Group, better alignment of CDC with the Training Delivery Authority, moved the Castlemartin Wing closer to the customer ‘centre of gravity’ and improved access to training venues, and the Army assuming lead Service responsibilities for the JSAT Offshore Sailing scheme.
Despite the challenges of the past year, demand for adventurous training remains high and ATG(A) continues to ‘champion’ Adventurous Leadership and Resilience Training across the Army and Defence.
In closing, I would like to personally thank all the RAPTC personnel across the Group for their indefatigable support and commitment during this unprecedented
Army AT: Making our People better Soldiers; Making our Soldiers better People
For further information on adventurous training visit our ArmyAT page on Defence Connect.
Maj (MAA) R Reid RAPTC
‘An overview from HQ JSMTC’
As you would expect, JSMTC is still here and remains the market leaders in all things Adventurous Training. Since the last edition of MBS, JSMTC have said goodbye to Lt Col Andy Husband Rifles in Aug 19; Col Andy is a great man that steered this ship with great effect, best wishes for the future from all at JSMTC. Our new Commanding Officer, Lt Col Jen Painting AGC (ETS) has now taken over at the helm and we remain on course; things are looking very good. Col Jen held the appointment as the OC of our Bavarian Wing during the period May 16 – Jul 18, so has a wealth of understanding and experience of the organisation and the direction of travel. For those that may not be completely aware, JSMTC sits within Adventurous Training Group Army (ATG(A)) and is under command of the Army Recruiting and Initial Training Command (ARITC). JSMTCs mission is to deliver Type 4 Adventurous Training, namely leader and instructor courses in order for Units to deliver Type 2 and 3 UK and overseas AT expeditions.
The structure of JSMTC is akin to a standard unit. The HQ element has a CO, 2IC & RSM which is supported by the relevant G1, G3/7 and G8 functions, namely the Unit Administrative Office, Training Department and QMs Department. JSMTC has 6 x sub-units (Indefatigable, Llanrwst, Ballachulish, Ripon, Northern Ireland and Bavaria) and the structure of our Wings are similar to a standard sub-unit with a OC (OF2/3) and Wing Sergeant Major (OR8), a pool of both military/Civil Service instructors and the appropriate G1/G4 support. From a delivery perspective JSMTC has been heavily affected by the COVID situation, though we are very much
hoping that by the time this edition of MBS goes to print we should be back on the hill (fingers crossed). At this point I will pass over to each of our Wings for an update of the past year.
Handing Over Command at JSMTC - Lt Col Andy Husband Rifles handing over Command to Lt Col Jen Painting AGC (ETS)

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