Page 109 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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                                 Capt (MAA) S Cowley RAPTC
Army Adventurous Training Wing (Castlemartin) (AATW(C)), is based in Merrion Camp, Castlemartin and is located within the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park. The National Park is adorned by a spectacular coastline, rolling hills, woodland trails and sheltered bodies of water. The location provides the opportunity for units to participate in land and water based AT activities; either at foundation level or Type 2 multi- activity packages. Courses include rock climbing, mountain biking, trekking, canoeing, kayaking and Adventurous Leadership Resilience Training (ALeRT) blended into training. All courses are booked on the ATG(A) Defence Connect page and is a simple process. The Wing is manned by 7 PS, 6 Temporary Employed Elsewhere (TEE) instructors (Cpl-Pte) and 5 free-lance instructors delivering training to circa1500 students per year.
This training year has been like no other, commencing with a World pandemic and National lockdown. Nevertheless, after making some adjustments to the Wing set up, changes to routine and training delivery, the Wing became covid safe during July. The
Contemplating Poetry “I wander’d lonely as a cloud” Moel Hebog 782m - SSgt (SSI)Crutchley
Cpl McShane belaying SIOAT Rhys Jordan
Commander British Forces Cyprus, Major-General Rob Thomson CBE DSO, talking to all members of the JSAWTC Team
Thank you WO2 (QMSI) Joe Stapleton RAPTC, SSgt (SSI) Kane Mortimer RAPTC, Sgt (SI) John Thurlbeck RAPTC, Sgt (SI) Tom Kirby RAPTC, Sgt (SI) Ben Swinfield RAPTC and Sgt (SI) Kareem Patrice RAPTC who replaced Sgt (SI) Ben Swinfield RAPTC.
“If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it.” Bear Bryant
Maj (MAA) I Bareham RAPTC
As I sit writing this year’s MBS, I am into my second year with only a few months left in post before I move on and as we say each year I don’t know where time has gone.
Now let’s be honest it’s not been the best 12 months and we have all had to meet various challenges, so this year’s MBS I don’t have to tell you who JSAWT(C) are and what we do as that is well documented in previous MBS copies.
But what I do have to say this year is how incredibly proud I am of the RAPTCIs I have had the pleasure of working with in my time here. Its not been the smoothest journey but as a collective we have achieved a great deal, especially in the enhancements to the facilities where you have done this via self-help and little funding.
So, for once I am not going to ramble on but just thank the team for what they have achieved in some very testing times and thank them for their unswerving support.
But before I document my gratitude to the team, my proudest moment during the pandemic is when JSATW(C) were shut down and we immediately took on the task of assisting the Joint Services Health Unit due to them being short staffed. This was a daily tasking that meant the members of the team were managing cock roach infestation and baiting rat traps amongst other tasks. Gentlemen it was my pleasure to lift some drains with you, it was not nice to see some of those sights!
I am extremely pleased you received a Commander British Forces Cyprus Commendation for your endeavours.

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