Page 106 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  The Defence School of Transport has been a busy Tri-Service establishment over the past year, with an annual output of 2,978 ITT students to the Fd Army and 6,149 STT students between all three Services. Although there was a brief pause on ITT training delivery during the initial outbreak of COVID-19, DST continued its fast delivery of essential operational driving courses throughout the pandemic. PD delivery, as for many others within the military was significantly affected by the outbreak of Covid-19, so creativity became essential in devising plans for PD events to take place; falling in line with the Force Health Protection measures. DST successfully organised various Tri-Service charity events which supported charities with an affiliation to the UK Armed Forces.
The Race the World charity event involved the whole of DST, testing their endurance over a period of 6 weeks, which had them running, cycling or walking the distance of all seven continents covering an astounding 33,720km. DST managed to raise £1500 for ABF and in the process won the “Race the World” 2020 Champions Shield and Gold Award Certificate.
The Point to Point charity event involved three members of the gymnasium permanent staff, Cpl Townsend, Cpl Postlethwaite and SIO PT Haywood. They took on the epic challenge of climbing the height of Mount Everest, cycling the distance of Land’s End to John O’Groats and then running the distance of the Coast to Coast. Over the 5 day challenge, the team climbed the DST’s climbing wall 177 times, cycled 174 miles and ran 36 miles per day. They successfully completed the event within an impressive 5 days and raised a fantastic £1120 for SAFFA.
The Bomber Command charity event was a DST HQ Sqn team effort, starting at the DST RAF memorial and then following the
Cpl Townsend, Cpl Postlethwaite and SIO PT Haywood pose for a photo during the Point to Point charity event
running route to 640 Squadron Memorial in Beverley, where the team paid their respects. They then took the scenic route onto RAF Catfoss located at Leven where they met with a local historian, who gave an impressive presentation of the local area’s history. The journey ended at 158 Sqn Memorial just outside a little Yorkshire village called Lissett, with the silhouette of the fallen RAF pilots. The team raised a total of £1400, which was greatly received by the International Bomber Command Centre and 158 Sqn Association.
DST look forward to the new challenges that 2021 has to offer, whilst continuing to strive and create new opportunities to develop exciting physical development Challenges
  Mr Jim Duffy from ABF The Soldiers Charity presenting the Commandant Col Henson QGM and other members of DST with the “Race the World” 2020 Champions Shield and Gold Award Certificate

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