Page 116 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 116

Capt (MAA) G Maslin RAPTC
Good news or the bad news first?
Ok bad it is. Apart from the gas supply being condemned leaving us with no heating for the best part of 12 months, I am currently on track for being the only OC Ripon in history to have never stepped foot in a cave (COVID-19), acknowledging JSMTW Ripon Wing are the caving specialist......I don’t think Lower St Michael’s Cave in Gibraltar counts!! Now the good news. The long-anticipated move to Halton (Lancaster) will happen on my watch. I anticipate that every OC in the past 50 years was told it would be in their time....more to follow on this.
Having been posted to JSMTC in Apr 20, me and my family made it out of Northern Ireland by the skin of our teeth as the assignment freeze was implemented within days. Consequently, my HOTO was overshadowed by the national lockdown, oh, and I had to send all the staff home, 30 percent of which were not in Ripon to even meet. This is where my internet dating started with JSMTC; as I write this, almost 1 year in, I’ve still only “physically” met a small handful of JSMTC team!!! I hope by the time this makes it to print I will have met at least 5 others......and have been in a cave.
Despite all the restrictions and 15 thousand FHPI’s, Ripon Wing managed to exploit the “lesser” restricted periods allowing us to deliver the lower level courses benefitting many SP. The team worked tirelessly making the Wing and vehicles safe to operate so we could get on with delivery.
Move to Halton This is a big muscle move and will be of great benefit to our soldiers. “Galliford Try Construction” are building a Ripon Wing (Halton Wing), stores, drying and changing facility, office space, briefing and syndicate rooms for classroom-based learning and brand-new living accommodation, doubling our
JSMTW Ripon Headquarters – 12 months left to live
Capt Maz on a crag somewhere trying to look like an ATI
Capt Maz getting logbook days in prep for MBI
training capacity to 48 students. Furthermore, an existing building will be refurbished to create an activity centre to accommodate our specialist indoor training equipment, including single rope techniques frame, climbing wall and caving simulation tunnels. All this will facilitate safe training before outdoor learning takes place in the nearby Western Dales and Lake District. Additional to the relocation of Ripon Wing, JSMTC anticipate taking over command and control of the SCHINF SDW. Whilst writing this article JSMTC are very much in the understand and planning phase with all stakeholders involved.
Academia is probably a world that not many RAPTCI’s have thought about prior to transferring into the Corps, myself included. I have recently completed postgraduate study and found the experience like the ebb and flow of the tides whilst sea kayaking. I also found myself in slack water on several occasions starring at a blank screen. Although my route wasn’t funded through the RAPTC there are still plenty of options available (SLC’s, ELC’s, RAPTC TTV grant). The experience was rewarding, it has developed my critical analysis and understanding surrounding outdoor learning theory and concepts.
Any level of degree work is a big undertaking and should be considered carefully, sacrifices will need to be made. It comes with financial expense, impacts upon your family, personal and training time. I found myself spending 10-15 hours a week studying after working hours. It is certainly within everyone’s grasp but requires a careful balancing of the scales. If anyone is considering undertaking postgraduate education and wants to chat through my experience, please get in touch.

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