Page 117 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 117
Staff Training Social Distancing Storekeeper
Sgt (SI) K Castle RAPTC
There have been a few challenges this year with the delivery of Adventurous Training (AT). Ever changing circumstances meant that AT as we know it had to adapt to delivery in a COVID world. Courses were postponed and the adventure seeker found themselves in a world of virtual adventures (webinars) through Zoom. Personally, the novelty soon faded after what can only be described as a crash course in hair butchery and further analysing the GRIP Model during home schooling.
Revised Government guidance meant that we could soon get back to living the dream, the delivery staff swiftly jumped at the opportunity. Staff training was now transformed to finding a solution to the social distancing conundrum. After assessing caving practically, it proved too great a risk to continue in its
normal fashion. We did manage to offer Single Rope Techniques at a reduced ratio, before the inevitable second wave and dreaded return to self-isolation.
Not all doom and gloom, we welcomed Capt (MAA) G Maslin RAPTC (OC) replacing former WO1 (RSM) P Newton RAPTC (acting OC), SSgt (SSI) D Mudge RAPTC replacing SSgt (SSI) C White RAPTC (now WO2) and the new storekeeper Old Brown, who found a way down the chimney during lockdown part 2.
Self-isolation provided an opportunity for reflection, online study and re-evaluating what we perceived as important in life. Healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise and meditation proving invaluable and our Corps motto “Mens sana in corpore sano”, sage advice to live by in these testing times.
Sgt (SI) E Roberts RAPTC
My first tour as an ATI began at JSMTW(L) in January 2020, and after an induction I was sent to the Snowdonia mountain range to begin the moderation process under
the guidance of the SMEs within the Wing. This was a great introduction to the world of Adventurous Training and set me up well for delivering
courses on my own.
My first course delivery was a Summer Mountaineering Foundation (SMF) – an introductory course to walking
in the hills. To take my first course was immensely satisfying. In addition to this
I also managed to squeeze in some Mission Critical Training (MCT): winter mountaineering in Scotland, andskiinginBavaria.Iwas excited for the upcoming year.
Then, on the 3rd of March the whole country went into Lockdown and we all had to
‘work from home.’ As a new ATI, only a couple of months into my new vocation this was not something I wanted to hear. The weather during the 1st Lockdown was amazing: it was hot and
sunny for 6 weeks solid – perfect weather for an ATI. Instead, I was kept busy with our regular ‘Zoom’ meetings and brushing up on the theoretical side of the AT disciplines and leadership. Although it was great to have so much family time, it was also a period of
When we returned to work, I was made Course Director of the Temporary Employed Elsewhere (TEE) course. These are soldiers from across the British Army who volunteer to be Adventurous Training Leaders (ATLs) at ATFW Castlemartin, where multi – activity JSAT is delivered to regular and
reserve Units.
Winter Mountainnering – Challenging conditions in the Scottish Highlands