Page 122 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 122
SSgt (SSI) V Francis RAPTC
The years training and rehabilitation delivery at the RRU has faced a constant pressure, upheaval and challenge that needs no further elaboration. After the initial period of lockdown in March of 2020 the question began to be asked, what will ‘the next normal’ be, and how will the RRU adapt to this to deliver effective rehabilitation whilst practicing safely.
From this arose an opportunity to evaluate and review current delivery models of education and training within the RRU workspace. The potential emerged to drive a Paradigm shift in the delivery model of rehabilitation, away from the traditional three-week model to a contemporary, modern, flexible package. This would not only meet patient expectations, but the service needs whilst producing positive measurable and validated results. The RRU team were required to produce a method of delivering effective exercise rehabilitation while meeting the demands of the Defence Rehabilitation FragOs. They directed minimum staff footfall, reduced course numbers but increased frequency to meet the demand.
Under the lead of SSgt Vinnie Francis, the RRU team researched alternative methods of delivery to maximise potential gains, and mitigate any elements lost, transitioning away from a traditional residential three-week model. Following needs analysis, it was decided on a two-week hybrid model consisting of virtual educational delivery (or E-Learning), and residential group therapy with core hours to allow patients and staff flexibility in the uncertain environment. The courses were reduced to intakes of 8 SP from 15 to allow a physically distanced gym space to operate during attendance rehab sessions.
The Hybrid course was then designed with the following ethos and philosophy in mind. Reducing the need for theory to be taught in the RRU by creating an educational platform that takes the more positive aspects of classroom learning online. The face to face rehab could then focus on generating ‘big bucket’ wins and instilling the
principles of exercise recovery into patients so that they in turn will be better equipped to apply, develop and progress. Ownership of their own ability to improve capacity and performance, in any environment that the swiftly changing landscape dictates, ultimately creates self-efficacy and accountability.
Every member of the RRU team contributed to an endeavour that re-ignited collaboration and enthusiasm producing work that will endure long after the pandemic. The Hybrid model was informed by underpinning research and literature from a number of academic and business institutions. This enabled us to recreate the best elements of Hybrid learning while avoiding pitfalls and barriers. This was done through attention to creating an educational ethos that is credible, meets patient needs and is, from a technological point of view reliable, easy to manage, and fits in with the MOD security parameters. Of vital importance was the need to maximise the provision of asynchronous learning opportunities, inclusivity (with both active and passive resources that meet multiple learning styles) while being flexible and adaptable.
Defence connect (DC) was an appropriate platform, as its ‘social media style’ elements, intuitive set up, and large capacity for multimedia, enabled us to create an ‘online learning community.’ This inclusive community feel has been key to patient buy-in driving much of the successful feedback recorded. It is rapidly developing into a pre and post course resource that offers support well above the previous parameters of RRU education. This innovative use of DC as a course delivery platform has been a primary factor in the objective successes the Hybrid model subsequently delivered. The design was also based around its own validation, with every patient completing detailed and robust feedback. This combined with analysis of the objective data the course produces, enabled all staff to be agile and accurate in making improvements to the course that have had an immediate impact. The design, deliver, validate loop is an integral part of the ongoing success of the concept.