Page 123 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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The model was designed and programmed through several remote collaborative sessions and the concept was presented to Regional Command for approval to trial. Following 2 pilot courses, delivering Hybrid Lower Limbs RRU Rehabilitation to 16 patients, the outcome measures and data generated was analysed and the early picture was extremely encouraging. The model was presented to the SO1 and SO2 Defence rehab and highlighted as a best practice, elements of which have been implemented across several other RRUs. Lessons learned, successes and technical development from the Cosford model also informed much of the direction of the DDR E-Learning Working Group, created to provide distance learning materials and methodology for national delivery of E-Learning (with DDR operating as a hub) when classroom learning became impractical.
The Hybrid model continues to deliver impressive results, with objective markers quantifying elements such patient function, pain and mood improving across the board. This highlighted a detectable change in 63% of patients, compared to 38% in our traditional model. This is further evidence of improved group dynamics with lower numbers likely due to a change of focus to patient ownership of treatment and of pairing the education to the environment. This has been achieved with reduced footfall, costs and environmental impact while improving results. The second lockdown continued to show the package was evolving despite no group work or residential stays permitted, and face to face delivery at an absolute minimum. The patients have continued to buy in to the Online rehab community ethos and produced continually outstanding subjective and objective results.
These successes demonstrate that a modern individual approach is possible and if embraced could be a powerful tool to add to the rehabilitation armoury. This can open many new opportunities for collaboration, innovation and improvement.
With the change in routine and structure to everyday life it is difficult to track the comings and goings in the department over what has seemed at times a very long 12 months. The RRU welcomed a
RRU Cosford DC daily usage
new 2IC, Capt Philippa Filmer RAMC, and said goodbye to locum physio Carissa Jones – who had been with the team for over a year. The Christmas period also saw the end of tour for Sgt (SI) Rich Edwards who moves onto RRU Bulford after a very successful first RAPTC assignment at Cosford. We look forward to welcoming his replacement, Sgt (SI) Jodie Beckingham, to the team in April 2021 on completion of her tour on Op CABRIT. The RRU will also be saying farewell to outgoing RTSA WO2 (QMSI) Lee Cubbage as he heads back to the mainstream delivery at ATC Pirbright, to be replaced by incoming WO2 (QMSI) Mick Asher. We wish all the arriving and departing staff all the very best of luck, hopefully these changes coincide with the start of a return to normality and some brighter times.
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