Page 164 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  General. The 160th anniversary year of the Corps has been very different with global and national lockdowns and restrictions but after adjusting to the initial lockdown,
changing levels of restrictions and learning new ways of working the Association Office has not been adversely affected. The world wide web, internet and social media are wonderful tools; where would we have been without them during this pandemic?
In the initial stages of the lockdown the use of the Association office independent laptop ensured we maintained contact with our members and were able to conduct limited Association business. The later issue of a secure MOD laptop enabled access to our office files from home so we were and are (with some limitations) able to conduct business as usual albeit working from home with little or no physical contact and the occasional visit to the Aldershot office for matters that cannot be done from home (signing off the monthly accounts for example).
Governance and Management
The Executive Committee Chairman’s informative annual statement can be found at the front of this edition of the MBS.
The Association Executive Committee Trustees normally meet twice a year in Apr and Sep but with the initial lockdown, no movement allowed and no access to a virtual platform at this point it was not possible to hold the Apr meeting but a number of Association matters were discussed out of committee via the internet and voted on where required. The committee met via Zoom in November 2020 and covered all aspects of Association business with the out of committee votes recorded in the November meeting minutes to ensure they are formally recorded for accountability.
At the November meeting the Trustees endorsed a set of Association Branch Guidelines. The aim of these guidelines is to provide direction and guidance for all Association Branch Committees to ensure working practices are consistent across the Branches and in line with the Association office.
We have said goodbye to the following Trustees during this reporting period: Lt Col (SMAA) Steve Collinson RAPTC (retired from the Army), Maj (MAA) Sean Semple RAPTC (on assignment), Capt (MAA) Stu Jackson RAPTC (on assignment) and WO1 (Corps Sgt Major) Rachel Mackenzie (on commission into the Corps). On behalf of all Association members we thank them for their valuable contributions as Trustees and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
In their place we welcome Lt Col (SMAA) Jase Hughes RAPTC, Maj (MAA) Dave Boocock RAPTC, Capt (MAA) Carl Burnett RAPTC and WO1 (Corps Sgt Maj) Duncan Southern Naylor RAPTC who bring with them a broad wealth of knowledge and experience.
The Regt Sec is responsible for the daily management of all Association business and is ably assisted by Mrs Jules Fairclough who is often the first point of contact. The Association office has now moved into the technological era and we have been assigned new contact phone numbers along with call centre headphones linked to our computers: Our new contact numbers are
Regt Sec: 03001602107, Regt Sec Assistant: 0300 1565921
The Association is a small charity with a limited income and it is important when allocating grants that members interests are at the forefront of all decision making, but it is essential that funds are managed with prudence to ensure a balance between spending today against saving for tomorrow.
The impact of the pandemic has not affected the main source of income for the Association which is the Days’ Pay Giving Scheme and again this year the serving members of the Corps have contributed considerably. In addition, dividend income from our investments has remained consistent throughout these turbulent times for the financial markets. We have also received a number of donations.
The Association trustees endorsed grants and allocated funds for: benevolence (support for those in need), welfare (support to enhance wellbeing), RAPTC Museum, RAPTC Reunion, RAPTC Branches, RAPTC Sports (including funds for RAPTC Sports Tours), RAPTC Officers’ Mess, the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess and the MBS.
The trustees also ringfenced funds for future Association anniversaries and, biennial events.
As a result of the lockdowns and restrictions, expenditure was extremely low so the Trustees endorsed and authorised all grants and allocated funds for the 2020 / 2021 Financial Year (FY) to be carried over to the 2021 / 2022 FY.
We have received a number of donations throughout the year in particular a donation of £1,000.00 from Mr David Pace the eldest son of deceased WO2 (QMSI) John Pace who passed away In August 2019. Donations are used for the benefit of all Association
Lt Col (Retd) G B Jones
   Bredin Award - SSgt (SSI) Burnel Gelder Award - Maj (Retd) C Wilkinson Littlehales Award - WO1 (Now Capt) (MAA) K Haniver

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