Page 165 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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     Maj (Retd) Stu Irving receiving the RAPTC Pearson Award - WO2 (QMSI) R Moody Rodgers Award - WO2 (QMSI) Bynorth Sports Award - Lifetime Achievment
members in particular, those who may have fallen on hard times and need help.
Through continued prudent, diligent management of Association finances and maintaining the balance between the now and the future, the Association ensures financial stability and accountability which benefits all our members year on year.
Copies of the Association audited accounts can be found on the Charity Commission for England and Wales website.
Benevolence and Welfare
The RAPTC Welfare Terms of Reference (ToRs)articulates the criteria for Association benevolence and welfare support and can be viewed on the official RAPTC website. The Welfare Terms of Reference have recently undergone a review and following a few minor amendments the Association Trustees deemed them to be fit for purpose; the ToRs will be reviewed again in 5-years but can be amended if there is a need before the next review.
Requests for help generally come to the Association office via a SSAFA Caseworker and cover a diverse array of requirements but all are dealt with as quickly as possible and in the strictest confidence. Requests for Association benevolence grants have been lower than normal, but the Association Welfare Committee has been able to endorse grants to help eligible members and their families who have needed financial support.
RAPTC Association Awards
The Association Awards Board sat virtually to discuss and decide who has enhanced the prestige of the Corps. There were many citations and the board members always have difficulties in choosing the winner for each category. Again, it was not possible to present the awards at an Association event so the awards were presented to the winners by their Commanding Officers. The Gelder Trophy was presented by Lt Col (SMAA) S Collinson RAPTC to Maj (Retd) Chic Wilkinson whilst observing social distancing rules. A full list of award winners can be found at the front of this MBS.
The RAPTC museum has been shut to visitors for most of the lockdown period but - Mr Eli Dawson the Curator has initiated a number of museum virtual tours and talks whilst expanding the museum’s global reach through social media platforms. I strongly recommend visit (when restrictions allow); virtual or physical.
The Biennial reunion which would have celebrated the 160th anniversary of the Corps fell victim to the pandemic and after careful consideration was unfortunately cancelled. However, the Trustees felt this milestone in Corps history should not pass without recognition, so a pre-recorded virtual Service of Commemoration was conducted and viewed by Association members around the globe.
The Association Trustees also endorsed a portion of the funds allocated for the cancelled reunion to commission a silver replica
of the RAPTC Memorial to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the Corps. The silver piece will be on public display in the RAPTC Museum and used at appropriate Corps events.
Attendance at remembrance events and services were also cancelled so, for the first time (along with many more) the Association did not present at the Cenotaph or Field of Remembrance but hopefully we will be back in 2021.
Garden of Remembrance
The garden of remembrance sits within the grounds of the ASPT and is maintained by the ASPT contract gardeners. A bespoke summer house has been purchased and erected in the garden between lockdowns. Further to this a Project Officer has been appointed to investigate options and costs for the full refurbishment of the garden; an update will be provided later.
Diary Dates for 2021/2022
RAPTC Service of Commemoration – 11 Sep 21 – NMA
NW Branch Reunion Dinner – 24/25 Sep 21 – Blackpool
SW Branch Reunion Dinner – Oct 21 (TBC) – Worcester
Field of Remembrance Service – 11 Nov 21 – Westminster Abbey Remembrance Sunday – 14 Nov 21 – Cenotaph, London
NW Branch Christmas Dinner – 7 Dec 21 – Blackpool
NW Branch Reunion Dinner – 4, 5 & 6 Mar 22 – Blackpool
NE Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – 25 /26 Mar 22 – Scarborough Eastern Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – 22 Apr 22 – Bury St Edmunds
SE Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – 6 & 7 May 22 – Portsmouth Scottish Branch Reunion Dinner and Golf – 3 & 4 Jun 22 – TBC SW Branch Reunion Dinner – Oct 22 (TBC) – Worcester
Probs 99 Reunion

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