Page 19 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 19
Maj (MAA) D Boocock RAPTC
So, as my tender within 3 (UK) Div PD Branch came to an end in Sep 21, I was dispatched back up the road to the familiar settings of Aldershot. This time it was to take up the role as
the Regional Command (RC) SO2 PD.
As for so many, Aldershot holds a cluster of recollections, but for me as I skip into work and pass the old Hammersley Bks gates, floods of great memories always pop into the grey matter. Of course, our previous Hammersley Bks infrastructure has now all but gone and the new shinny Montgomery House 3 Star Headquarters stands tall on our camp’s old biblical DNA.
The RC PD Branch fundamentally is designed to support the Fd Army’s FIRM Base requirements. To be honest most of our outputs are about managing considerable multi-million pound budgets and portfolios that helps and supports our units, sites and serving population. It’s a great position to be in ~ Everyone loves receiving sports grants and PT equipment.
I was luckily enough to inherit a great team from Maj Will Pacter who previously held the ship on a great bearing. It’s very obvious that both RC PD Branches SMIs, Gilly Gillard and Jay Essam through their committed professional efforts have made a huge difference. Mr Essam shorty leaves us as he starts his new commissioned career back with the AAC and we will soon welcome in Mr Dave Arkless on promotion to WO1.
Of course; all successful teams require a solid foundation of support and our civilian admin support member Mr Paul Budd provides us with plenty of that. Paul is the stalwart of the branch, who consistently goes far beyond the job-spec and arguably his pay packet. However, all good things come to an end, Paul has decided its time to fully retire and kick back those RC PD Branch boots. He will be leaving us in the next few weeks and we wish him all the very best in his well-earned retirement.
In closing ~ Hugely exciting times ahead with loads of opportunities to get after even more cash and equipment for the masses. Boocock ~ Standby....Go......!
WO1 (SMI) I Gillard RAPTC
The role of SMI PD was something that I was relishing, and after the initial delay it was time to get my feet under the desk. The now Capt (MAA) G Slade-Jones RAPTC sent an extremely comprehensive set of handover notes which proved vital as he took over his new role of CAVO at ASPT and the SMI position was gapped. It wasn’t long before the enormity of my new position was realised, and I was thrown straight into delivering the PTE for the Non-GCC RFT(S).
Delivery of 12000 items of RFT(S) PTE to 458 units / sub units seems a breeze now. My daily battle rhythm encompasses the support and advice to all units, with my reach and pull spanning over 450 regular and reserve units. Through large scoping projects and data captures I have been able to develop and pioneer a new Asset Management System which allows RC to better support the Field Army. We now have products in place where we can use evidence to challenge both suppliers and higher Fmns for greater support. Recent dialog with working groups have allowed me to influence future projects, which have attracted interest from higher Fmns.
The role has given me exposure to many new and unknown situations. Dealing with contractual obligations, contractor demands and processes, managing a portfolio worth circa £25m and being the gatekeeper for a £2.3m annual budget; however, ensuring the RAPTCIs feel valued and supported is my true driving force.
The position of SMI PD is a role I feel privileged to hold. I now feel that I am in a position to better support the guys on the ground by challenging and influencing change for the better.
Through hard work, determination and lot of data analysis I feel that RC is in a strong position to evolve and change the way in which we support and resource the ground troops, with a lot of exciting projects coming in the near future.
Maj (MAA) D Boocock, WO1 (SMI) I Gillard (SMI PD), WO1 (SMI) J Essam RAPTC (SMI Sport)