Page 20 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Having previously served Army Headquarters, I found the environment very familiar and one I was extremely comfortable in. The friendly and welcoming nature of both
Maj (MAA) W Pacter RAPTC and now Capt (MAA) G Slade-Jones RAPTC, allowed me to make an easy transition from ATC Pirbright. The handover I received from now Capt (MAA) K Haniver RAPTC was outstanding, and the endless support she has given is credit to her work ethic and helpful personality.
The SMI Sport appointment is one of that requires you to juggle output at once; from the growing list of CP&F Requisitions, to the sanitisation of endless entries on the Army Sports Trophy Competition Microsoft Form – it certainly keeps one busy. Notwithstanding this, you are the PoC for all grass-roots sporting RFIs, this itself encourages plentiful of daily phone calls and emails. This however is hugely welcomed.
In a year of reduced sporting activity, momentum and enthusiasm hasn’t dropped. Units continue to stock their sporting stores with equipment and clothing whilst planning for when sport returns. It is encouraging to see RAPTCIs using innovative initiatives to take sport to the next level. For example, the UK North (through SSgt (SSI) M Hanson RAPTC) have purchased a 21st Century Scoring System with appropriate hardware to allow sports such as swimming, road cycling, triathlon and cross-country to be timed effectively giving results instantaneously.
Another area that requires directed attention is the Physical Training Equipment Service, Repair and Maintenance Contract provided to units by our current Providers; ServiceSport and TechnoGym. The PD Branch continue to revolutionise this service attempting to ensure the customer (unit) has a top-class service returning damaged PTE to full-service as quickly as possible.
As you read this, WO1 (SMI) Dave Arkless RAPTC will be in the chair; he’ll be six months into his tenure, and will no doubt be providing all Army units with outstanding support – I wish Dave all the best in his time at HQ Regional Command.
To the SO2 - (Maj (MAA) D Boocock RAPTC), SMI PD - WO1 (SMI) Ian Gillard RAPTC and now retired PD Clerk - Paul Budd thank you. You have been great and I thank you for the support wishing you the best for the remainder of your time in the HQs and in your retirement Paul.
After 11 years in the RAPTC, this will be my final MBS article. I leave the Corps on commission to the AAC but do so will great memories. I’d like to thank all the great Corps Instructors and Officers I have worked alongside and fantastic footballers I have shared the football pitch with – long may you all succeed in taking our Corps to the next level and being the leaders in Physical Development and Human Performance.
Maj (MAA) R Windard RAPTC “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar”
Raymond Lindquist
As I write this article, I have been in post for a little over four months having moved from arguably one of the best SO3 jobs there is, the Trg Offr at HQ AFTC. And whilst I’m getting to grips with all things 3 Div I’m still very much in the understand phase. Fortunately, the crop of diligent and seasoned
Brigade SMI’s have kept me honest in my transition back to mainstream activities as the 3XX SO2 PD and special thanks go to WO1 (SMI) Gaz Halliwell for his patience while I bed-in.
Life in the short term
hasn’t been without its
challenges for the Div
in the PD space due to
the unwelcomed arrival
of COVID-19. But this is
where the RAPTC and
its instructors thrive,
and across 3 Div is no
exception. Every RAPTCI
that I have had contact with has had the courage to keep moving forward, to let go of the familiar and work in support of the Div’s Service Personnel by adjusting to the new environment and conditions with invention and purpose but always in line with policy with our Corps System. You have all set the conditions for success – Thank you!
Looking to the future and as we continue to support deployability at home and abroad, is the pending introduction of the Physical Training Lead (PTL) qualification currently being trialled with 12X. Early signs with the trial units are looking extremely promising and by the time this article
goes to print more detail should be on the PD streets. WO1 (SMI) Tony Richardson has been a stalwart in the PTL trial space and has done much of the heavy lifting to make this concept a reality – Thank you.
In closing, the 3XX SO2 PD position is shaping up to be as rewarding and enjoyable as it is challenging. I’m incredibly privileged to have such high calibre RAPTCIs delivering at the 64 Reg and AR units. You are the gatekeepers of our ethos
and standards - you have, are, and continue to keep the Service Personnel of 3 (UK) Div “In the fight!”