Page 22 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 22

   Signing off, all I can say is thank you to all the RAPTCIs, Regimental 2ICs,Training Officers, UFTOs, UATOs, SIOs and AAPTIs that I have worked alongside during my time as SO3 PD for HQSW you have all made my life a little easier by being such professionals in your field.
Good luck to you all for the future, I feel the ship has been steered in the right direction for the past 2 years and as such I hand over to a new Captain in... Colin Suffield...Good Luck Suff...
WO2 (QMSI) B Bynorth RAPTC
Well, that’s it. 24 years’ service of which the last 14 were as a RAPTCI and the previous 10 were serving in the 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment. What a truly amazing and fun time and I wouldn’t change a thing and to top it off, it was an especially proud moment to receive The Rodgers Trophy for Adventurous Training. Top tip: plan your exit from the Army! The last 2 years of my resettlement period flew by and by the end I decided to pursue a career as a FTRS.
After 4 years I eventually handed over the reins of ARRC Sp Bn to WO2 Taff Hughes in late September and moved into HQSW PD Branch the next day. I loved being the SSI or QMSI of a Field Force Unit, running the show and leading with PT and it has taken a bit of adjustment to get used to working in a HQ, but it is very rewarding and a job I would highly recommend. It’s great to be working back with Capt “Steve” Green, we previously spent a few years together as Sgt’s at ATR Bassingbourn. After some useful “guidance” on getting my hair cut, ironing my kit, IT and learning to use Skype for the first time, we settled into a good working relationship. I am thankful for the opportunity to continue my service where hopefully I can offer some sound advice and support to our RAPTCIs serving in HQSW.
On a final note, after years of trying I finally got a place on the London Marathon 2020 (LM20).
WO2 (QMSI) Bynorth RPTC rowing 26 Miles as part of the London Marathon 20 challenge
WO2 (QMSI) Bynorth RAPTC being awarded the Rodgers Trophy
So instead of running in London on the day, the organisers set up the 2,6 Challenge. All you needed to do is dream up an activity based around the numbers 2,6 or 26 on the day when the 40th London Marathon would have taken place. So, in my front garden I decided to Row 26 miles on a Concept 2, followed by completing 26 burpees 26 times, eventually raising about £3500 for Sue Ryder. But then came the news that LM 20 was going to be run virtually in Sept, I had planned initially to run with 25kg in a bergan (MTP/boots), but on the day I accidently (lack of admin) packed 30kg. With no crowds to cheer you on, except my partner Julia I started the marathon at the end of the Cotswolds Way at Chipping Camden and trudged soaking wet for the next 26 miles to finally finish with a warm welcome at my local pub in Cheltenham
WO2 (QMSI) Bynorth RAPTC completing the virtual London Marathon carry a 30Kgs Bergan

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