Page 33 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 33
When the COVID pandemic started in early 2020, 1 PWRR were still committed to its Force Protection tasks in Bahrain, Kenya and Cyprus.
However, what was required was a rewrite of the Physical Training Programme to comply with the modifications set by Headquarters British Forces Cyprus (BFC) to reduce the spread of COVID. The main amendments I introduced were a reduction of numbers on PT to adhere to the 2-metre distance rule, individual training programmes to reduce the risk of spread of the virus and lone training programmes. The lone programmes proved to be a huge success and allowed all personnel to keep up their fitness, so they could meet their specific goals and work towards the SCR/RFT(S). Strict cleaning regimes were put in place not just at the start of the day but at the end of daily sessions, but this was successfully achieved working alongside Sodexo and their team. Our gymnasium at one point was turned into a hospital in preparation for the worst.
The fact that Cyprus has a warm climate means that year-round outdoor training is possible and essential career courses have continued. These include two potential JNCO cadres, two sniper Operators cadres, a machine gun cadre and a mortar numbers cadre.
Battalion personnel and families have found it a challenge to keep themselves motivated due to the suspension of sporting activities and many other restrictions. To support this concern the gym staff produced monthly challenges to keep individuals enthused. Virtual events were introduced for all to take part in where there has been a large uptake and support from the community. Several Charity events have been conducted by the Battalion and Station personnel in support for PWRR benevolent fund, SAFFA and more.
The pandemic has prohibited UK personnel conducting Adventurous Training courses at the Joint Service Adventurous Training Wing, Cyprus. 1 PWRR has been able to take advantage of this and its soldiers have conducted a plethora of Adventurous Training courses.
The Battalions time here in Cyprus has nearly come to an end, with a move back to Woolwich taking place in the summer of 2021, a new and exciting challenge for all.
It is also my last few months with the Battalion, and I have enjoyed my time. Serving with them in Germany and Cyprus with my family
FTCC Cse – SSgt Johnston, Capt Langhorn
SSgt (SSI) N Yates RAPTC
RAPTC lads in for a boxing day swim. SSgt Noel Yates, Sgt Dave Best, SSgt Kane Mortimer and Cpl Sam Leach
I am grateful to those we have met. I have had some amazing times with them, one that stands out the most was meeting the Queen of Denmark, celebrating The Battle of Sobroan and clearly the best and last ever Boxing event held in Barker Barracks, Paderborn.
“Unconquered I Serve”.
B Coy Beat Up SSgt (SSI) Yates and LCpl Bradley