Page 34 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 34
WO1 (SMI) C Walbrook RAPTC
An interesting, challenging and rewarding year, although on reflection 2020 will be mainly remembered for the diverse challenges, complexities and management of people the world has sustained with the C-19 pandemic. Make the days count and don’t count the days was certainly a motto I adopted.
6 years in post (1 more year to go) in glorious Cyprus with the primary role of managing a busy water sports centre and delivering/ coaching water-based activities to circa 10k people per year has been by far the best ever posting. However, for 60% of season 2020 the centre has been closed with all staff diverted to RLS (Real Life Support) duties. The team swiftly changed to provide community support and welfare provisions to isolated personnel. The delivery of information via letter drop ensured transparency of COVID measures as well as community engagement.
After completing the Information Training Security Officer (ITSO) Cse and obtaining security clearance I took over as the Station ITSO. This involved submission of communication Business Cases (BCs), overseeing contract installations, BFBS, contracts for mobile phones and recording OS365 CPD Trg for all. In PT buster terms, it’s like jumping in the deep end of a swimming pool as a non-swimmer. The RAPTC is a small Corps, full of high quality and motivated individuals with a ‘can-do’ attitude who will practically put their hands to any task thrown in their direction.
Cyprus journey has and continues to be a dream. I remember the first day in work on the SSCP back in Aug 15 in 37-degree heat, clear blue skies and crystal-clear still waters. My initial assessment of the climate is positive however, the centre was dilapidated, non-compliant iaw policy and in an unsatisfactory state. Decompression had concluded 9 months prior to my arrival and delivered activities for 13 solid years to thousands of people, so I was hardly expecting it to be the Ritz but the well-used centre was very tired. Ancient boats and equipment, no funding, limited accounting, poor infrastructure and operating with no insurance.
An action plan was created that saw many projects being completed, ranging from new power boats/equipment, new ablution block, new kitchen and café, children’s play area with large adjacent shaded area, mole refurbishment and all procedures updated. A mammoth task but, with a dedicated team, positive approach; in time the standard raised significantly. Assurance inspectorates commended the centre developments and highlighted best practice across BFC. HQ BFC a 2* organisation now deem the centre as lead for water sports, gold standard delivery for British
WO1 (SMI) Walbrook RAPTC with Mrs Walbrook and CBF
Water Ski and Wake Board Cutting Edge Program and provides a quality welfare facility for the community.
Nov 18, I received a 2* commendation for Leadership, transformation and innovation and Jan 21 received a Meritorious Service Medal on the QNYHL. I feel completely honoured, privileged and am delighted to receive such prestigious accolades but on reflection as a soldier I just do the right thing on a difficult day; go that extra mile in and out of work and add value through sports coaching and officiating. If you have been part of my career journey as a leader, coach and colleague I thank you for all your support. I feel exceptionally grateful to have received so many congratulatory messages and formal handwritten letters. Maj Gen Illingworth former CBF wrote ‘Your award is just fabulous news and so richly deserved with your outstanding work in support of the HQ BFC and the SBA, and of course your hugely impressive career serving Queen and Country. I genuinely feel very lucky to have benefitted from your support, efforts, and commitment whilst with you in Cyprus; and to see you being duly recognised and rewarded for this and everything you have done as a soldier is absolutely right and proper’ To conclude 2020 was an outstanding year.
‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve’ – Napoleon Hill
New Toy at the Water Sports Centre
WO1 (SMI) Walbrook RAPTC Wake Boarding