Page 43 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 43
Having taken over in September 2020 post lockdown v.1, I stepped into what can only be described as a well-oiled machine; the previous RAPTCI had done a fantastic job, so I
prepared myself for an easy transition.... How wrong I was!
With the relentless amendment to the Op NEWCOMBE, Mali, deployment date due to COVID-19, we were left with very little time to ensure that the Regiment were fit to deploy and fully MATT 2 compliant. After an extremely busy few weeks, all were tested and out of the door, time for a ‘condor’ moment.... Wrong!
As a ROG we swiftly moved into the next phase, Empowerment PT. This is something that had already been successfully trialled by C Sqn whilst on Op CABRIT. Now it was time to trial it at Regimental level. The idea behind empowered PT is to allow individuals to train as they wish and have the option to attend the APTS lessons that will be delivered on a daily basis and having had numerous meetings with the CoC and with 4X, we have derived with what looks like a solid template to take forward to the trial. It consists of a generous mixture of SCR’s, Workout of the Week (WOW’s), S&C workshops, Monthly Milestones and of course the Regiments favourite, CO’s PT every Friday! Due to COVID the trial is yet to be fully endorsed, however we are using some of the methodology to inspire our people to train regularly and participate when they are not in barracks due to courses and leave.
To compliment the Empowerment PT trial and to ensure that there is an inclusive vibe throughout the Regiment, the rehabilitation troop, Assaye Troop, has been reformed to cater for all Level 1
Op Newcombe Improvised PT
SSgt (SSI) C Pennington RAPTC
PT personnel, to ensure that they are afforded the time to train in line with specific rehab programmes, weight management programmes and reconditioning programmes. Again, this is something that was successfully trialled by C Sqn whilst on Op CABRIT and was well received throughout the ranks.
We now look forward to the return of the Regiment and the return to ‘normality,’ so that all the hard work and planning can be implemented and take the Regiment to new heights throughout TY 21/22.
Assaye Troop PT