Page 45 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 45
Capt (MAA) M A Greenwood RAPTC
Desert Rats ‘Vision’
The adaptable brigade based on a warfighting capability, ready for operations, persistently engaged in West Africa and East England.
After a prolonged period of being located ‘down south’ in the Hampshire area, came the opportunity to move ‘up north’ to pastures new at HQ 7X which is located on the borders of Rutland, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire. A familiar environment, having served with 16 Regt RA across the water of Rutland Reservoir approximately 10 years ago.
Hitting the ground at pace was instant due to the operational role and associated commitments as a ‘Fighting Brigade.’ In addition, the numerous roles and responsibilities to the 48 units which sit within a large AOR. And, as mentioned on numerous occasions in the HO/TO by Capt (MAA) Willie Wilson RAPTC; “it’s the size of Belgium” and “you will spend a lot of time travelling and drinking bucket loads of coffee”.
One of the first challenges I faced within the first 2 weeks of arrival, sending me into my ‘stretch zone’ was the requirement to conduct BCD, CBRN and then attend the Ranges. For many, a familiar and routine experience, but for me, something very different; especially for someone who still owns an S10 respirator! Overall, a better than expected experience and one which provided the opportunity to become very efficient at filling up magazines for ‘another attempt’ at the 400m point.
Probably with most articles this year, many will surround COVID- 19 and the associated restrictions it has imposed upon us all within the PD space. Skype has been priceless in providing a means to stay engaged with all RAPTCIs and when required to, conduct several Physical Development Audits and Heat Illness Prevention Audits. But nothing replaces the ‘face to face’ engagement which I miss greatly.
It has been pleasing to see several virtual events (running challenges and cycling races etc) taking place across the AOR to ensure all SP remain fit and motivated during these challenging times. I am also excited to see the efforts made with the meticulous planning and delivery of the many planned AT activities, sporting initiatives and challenges which are scheduled to take place once restrictions are lifted.
As they say, ‘so far, so good’; my short time in post to date has been fantastic. Filled with challenge and reward. I have been very impressed with the professionalism from every RAPTCI. They continue to be valued assets for their units and true ambassadors to the Corps.
SSgt (SSI) R Davies RAPTC
23 Parachute Engineer Regiment had a busy end to 2020 and 2021 looks as though it will follow a similar pace. This year, 51 Parachute Engineer Squadron are being held at high
readiness to support 16X as part of the Air Manoeuvre Battle Group. Despite the huge impact that COVID-19 has had, the Regiment has continued to perform to a high standard whilst still adhering to Government guidelines.
Over the past 12 months, 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment has successfully formed ‘Arnhem Troop,’ with the intent of encouraging and conditioning candidates for the upcoming All Arms P Company course. Arnhem Troop have completed numerous training packages, which start from Foundational Level up to Conditioning Level. Lessons have included live firing tactical training, basic airborne soldiering skills, combat engineering, mental resilience, and arduous PT sessions of gradually increasing intensity. With Arnhem Troop established, we have seen a significant improvement in our candidates’ confidence towards the All Arms P Company course, as well as their ability and attitude as Airborne Engineers.
23 Parachute Engineer Regiment have also successfully managed to support the All Arms Pre-Para Selection Course, recording no positive COVID-19 cases over the two-week period. This was
Arnhem troop preparing for AAPPS with a best effort 2km race