Page 61 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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This is my first year as an RAPTCI in the Field Army, serving with the 2nd Battalion Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment (2 LANCS) and it has been anything but smooth sailing. The Battalion is still new to the role of Specialist Infantry (SpecInf) and has undergone a large period of transition. Changing roles, location and management; now permanently located at Elizabeth Barracks within Pirbright Camp, it was during the pandemic that created problems of its own.
With many Battalion members coming from Merseyside and the surrounding counties; it is evident that the soldiers were hesitant to move hundreds of miles to a new area, many leaving family and friends behind. However, this has now changed, and the majority have settled into the new location.
When I arrived at the Battalion in September 2020, I was first located in Weeton Barracks. It was a difficult time for an outsider to be welcomed in as there were many moving parts especially as the Battalion was split and located in various locations. Troops were still deploying around the globe on Short Term Training Teams (STTT), the advanced party were stationed in Elizabeth Barracks, and the remaining troops were packing up their belongings and preparing the camp for the handover to 2 MERCIAN.
The biggest challenge and primary objectives were to transform both gymnasiums on camp which have stood empty for some time and needed a great deal of TLC. The gym floor was severely damaged and needed to be replaced, there was no heating, and
Blenheim Coy 2, Training on STTT in Kenya
SSgt (SSI) K Bowling RAPTC
the roof needed repairing. Since my arrival, we have been able to replace the sprung-loaded floor and then cover it with more conventional impact flooring to support APTS within the Battalion. The gym has had an overhaul of equipment and will continue to do so in 2021.
My time at 2 LANCS has been challenging, busy but exciting as I have been able to put my stamp of things early. The future is bright and I am enjoying the experience.
SSgt (SSI) SJ Michaelson-Yeates RAPTC
It has been an extremely busy year for 4 Regiment RLC. We have been heavily involved in Op RESCRIPT as the Logistic
Support Team (UK), acting as the go-to logistic unit for all COVID-19 related logistic taskings throughout the Nation.
In addition, we’ve been engaged in various other taskings such as: the Fd Army Optimising Human Performance (OHP) Trial; numerous visits, including HRH The Princess Royal and 3XX GOC; and a 100% PDA from the Brigade SO3 Captain (MAA) Roberts and his team (which I’m glad to say was a success!).
LCpl Roberts an AAPTI in 4 Regiment, taking part in the Doko Race
As the Regiment went into dispersed working, we still managed to carry out a significant amount of PT as the AAPTIs were conducting PT sessions over Zoom. This was all captured with wearable tech called My Zone (MZ). The Regiment were issued with 150 MZ belts along with 360 Garmin Devices, which was all part of the OHP Trial.
60 (Close Support) Sqn QOGLR – a newly re-designated Gurkha Sqn also held a charity event in support of the Hope for Hasti campaign, this included an introduction to the famous Doko Race; lead by Major Chris Brannigan.
The Commanding Officer hands over the funds raised to Major Brannigan
From Left to Right: Pte Tami-Magar, LCpl Roberts, Major Chris Brannigan SSgt (SSI) Michaelson-Yeates, Pte Asish Rai